Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone JRA1 Pixel Telescope at CERN SPS Present at CERN: Tobias Haas Marcin Jastrzab Uli Koetz Livio Piemontese Philipp Roloff Jola Sztuk + DEPFET Team Ingrid-Maria Gregor on behalf of EUDET JRA1 SPS Meeting September 20 th 2007
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 2 EUDET: Test Beam Infrastructure JRA1 Provide test beam telescope with: Very high precision: <3 μm precision even at lower energies High readout speed (frame rate >1kHz) Easy to use: well defined/described interface Large range of conditions: cooling, positioning, magnetic field Main use for pixel sensors, large volume tracking devices (TPC) Suitable to different test beam environments: construction & initial tests at DESY (E e- up to 6 GeV) exploitation at CERN, FNAL etc. possible -> as now done
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 3 Demonstrator: Analogue Telescope Sensors with analogue output ReadOut Boards to carry the sensors Mechanics to position the sensors precisely AUX board Ingredients needed for such a telescope Trigger Logic Unit e-e-e-e-
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 4 Testbeam 3 – CERN September 2007 Plans for the week Run one day without DEPFET (parallel) Start combined data taking Four different momentum points +180 GeV/c pions +120 GeV/c pions + 70 GeV/c pions + 20 GeV/c pions (as low as possible) Goals of this test beam period Take data with JRA1 telescope at H8 test beam (10-400GeV/c pions) With 6 planes in new mechanic DEPFET sensor as first “user” Test speed and resolution (with thick sensors) Simplify handling of system (even more) This only if our system works as we want } Setup the system in PP158 (thanks to DEPFET team and crane people!) Started data taking on Tuesday First hits and tracks seen Goals of this test beam period
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 5 Setup in Control Room
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 6 On the Crane
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 7 Complete Setup
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 8 First Hitmaps
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 9 Signal Distribution
Ingrid-Maria Gregor, DESY, JRA1 Milestone 10 Many Happy People DEPFET EUDET JRA1 Thank you!!