Demo of Mentoring CBT This project for the US Army provided interactive training on their mentoring program. This is a summary of the lesson.
The Army has specific rules for mentor-associate relationships.
The Army program’s motto was to Grow People.
The program helps the participant learn the rules and recommendations for mentoring.
Main Menu Next four slides explain each menu option.
Each box here provides additional information interactively
This section allows you to interactively define your goals.
This is a reference section with interactive information.
Each scenario has four sections – first, the conversation.
The student evaluates the session, based on Army rules.
The program provides an objective analysis.
Finally, the student rates the session. Ten sessions total, with “good” and “bad” sessions to observe.
In the Captivate piece that accompanies this presentation, we demonstrate a method for developing an online interactive lesson that is simpler to develop but still effective in providing an interactive scenario. The mentoring course was developed with Adobe Authorware.