1 A Framework for Common Action around shared goals Presentation by Harald Lossack, GTZ on Behalf of OECD/DAC ENVIRONET PEP Meeting 15 June 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework for Common Action around shared goals Presentation by Harald Lossack, GTZ on Behalf of OECD/DAC ENVIRONET PEP Meeting 15 June 2006

2 2 Background - The Paris Declaration The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness notes that progress has been achieved in harmonising environmental impact assessment processes at the project level, notes that progress has been achieved in harmonising environmental impact assessment processes at the project level, highlights that this progress needs to be deepened, highlights that this progress needs to be deepened, encourages countries to continue developing capacity for environmental analysis and for enforcement of environmental legislation. encourages countries to continue developing capacity for environmental analysis and for enforcement of environmental legislation.

3 3 Background - The OECD Strategy for the First Decade of the 21st Century The OECD Strategy for the First Decade of the 21st Century Notes Notes that the success of implementing the Strategy will depend on strengthened co-operation with non-member countries, points to the need to Strengthen co-operation between the Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) on priority issues of mutual concern. points to the need to Strengthen co-operation between the Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) on priority issues of mutual concern.

4 4 Goals and Structure The Framework for common action seeks to… … improve co-ordination and coherence of efforts by OECD Development Co-operation and Environmental agencies, in support of poverty reduction and the MDGs. … provide direct support to the implementation of the Paris Declaration

5 5 Goals and Structure The emphasis of the Framework is on: Good practices: identifying, adapting, scaling up and expanding implementationGood practices: identifying, adapting, scaling up and expanding implementation Capacity building: supporting efforts for environment-development integration in both developing and transition countries Capacity building: supporting efforts for environment-development integration in both developing and transition countries

6 6 Key elements of the Framework Good practicesGood practices Policies & instruments for better integrating local, national and global environmental issues into development policies and plans. Policies & instruments for better integrating local, national and global environmental issues into development policies and plans. Environment-development linkages in the context of PRS and other development plans Environment-development linkages in the context of PRS and other development plans Climate change adaptation, biodiversity, desertification, and chemical management. Climate change adaptation, biodiversity, desertification, and chemical management. Supporting Uptake of of Instruments such as Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Fiscal Reform Supporting Uptake of of Instruments such as Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Fiscal Reform

7 7 Key elements of the Framework Good practicesGood practices Maximizing the development-environment potential of international financing instruments. Maximizing the development-environment potential of international financing instruments. Focus on application of existing financing mechanisms in developing countries (e.g the Clean Development Mechanism)

8 8 Key elements of the Framework Good practicesGood practices Approaches and instruments for monitoring progress towards better environment- development integration. Approaches and instruments for monitoring progress towards better environment- development integration. Refining indicators and instruments Strengthening mechanisms for tracking aid flows towards environment

9 9 Key elements of the Framework Capacity building … for environmental impact assessment of development programmes and projects. … for environmental impact assessment of development programmes and projects. Capacity of national authorities to formulate policies and strategies

10 Key elements of the Framework Capacity building … for the elaboration of environmental policy and the enforcement of environmental legislation. … for the elaboration of environmental policy and the enforcement of environmental legislation. Focus on monitoring and compliance efforts OECD tools to be applied

11 Key elements of the Framework Capacity building … for appraising and managing environmentally- related expenditures … for appraising and managing environmentally- related expenditures. Capacity to apply sound principles to the financing of public expenditures

12 Key elements of the Framework Capacity building … to identify and quantify environmental costs, and to monitor progress towards improved development and environment integration. … to identify and quantify environmental costs, and to monitor progress towards improved development and environment integration. Instruments identifying costs and benefits of environmental policy

13 Implementation Initiatives in support of the Framework will draw from available policy work, and are to be taken by: OECD governments Development co-operation and environment agencies The OECD Secretariat In addition: International development co-operation agencies and interested NGOs will be interested in joining these effots.

14 Implementation Next Steps: A working Bureau of ENVIRONET and WPGSP delegates to be established, to take stock of activities and agree on future priorities Identify relevant themes and establish Member-led Task Teams to implement follow up. Report on progress to OECD Development and Environment Ministers in 2009