Welcome to Mrs. Marlow’s 8 th Grade English Class! (The condensed version). I’m glad you’re here!
busy We’re going to be very busy this year! Writing: poetry, narrative, expository, and persuasive Reading: novels, drama, nonfiction, poetry Viewing: film study, drama Speaking: formal and informal presentations Vocabulary: Greek and Latin roots Grammar: 4 level analysis (1 unit per marking period) Collaboration and Technology It looks like a lot because it is. However, I am always here for help, and we will be working together to accomplish everything that needs to be done before high school.
success Keys to success in room 1: Asking for help BEFORE getting buried STAYING organized Making DEADLINES for homework and projects Utilizing RESOURCES (like the links on my webpage) and CLASS TIME well webpage
Grades Grades for the marking period: Assessments 50% Homework 10% Classwork 10% Expectations 30%
Contact Me! The fastest and most efficient way to reach me is via at: I can also be reached via phone at school (you’ll need to leave a voic )