1) Main Menu: You can access all aspects of the database from this screen 2) Contacts: You can access the “contact database management” side of the program with this tab. 3) Accounts: You can access the “account management” side of the program with this tab 4) Calendar: You can access the calendar with this tab 1234
Starting Total Database Solutions: Click on the ”TDS” Icon on your desktop Type in your username and password and hit “enter”
Finding a Contact or List of Contacts: Click “Find”
(You can search by region, address, zip code, city, lead source, business type, etc.)
Finding a Contact or List of Contacts (cont’d.): This will bring up a list of contacts to call based upon your search selection. You will also notice that you can perform a “Search” from this page as well. Click on “green arrow” to bring you to the “Contact Information” page. This page will allow you to see more detail about the customer. (You can choose to make calls from the list of contacts or from the contact screen)
Save Search Results for List of Contacts: This feature is used to save a list of contacts that you would like to view at a future time. Example: you perform a search for all contacts in the zip code and you would like to contact them at a later date. Click on the “Save Set” button under the “Save Results” tab on the left hand side of the screen At any time you can view the set of records you saved by clicking on the “Show Set” button under the “Save Results” tab on the left hand side of the screen
This will bring up a list of searches that you had saved Select the list you would like to view by clicking on the green arrow to on the left side of the screen
Adding a New Contact: From the “Contact” menu, click on “Add Contact” Click “Yes” Enter contact information
Scheduling a Phone Call or To Do: Click on the “Add Event” button to schedule a “phone call” or “to do”
Scheduling a Phone Call or To Do (cont’d): Click on “Phone Call” or “To Do”
A calendar will pop up and you will select the date you would like to follow up Select the time you would like to follow up or leave the time blank if you do not have a set time to follow up
Scheduling an Appointment: Click on “Add Results”
Select “Appointment/Meeting” and click “Save”
OR: Click on “Add Event”
Click on “Appointment” NOTE: Whether you decide to schedule an appointment from the “Add Results” button or from the “Add Event” button, the remaining instructions are the same.
Select who the appointment is for and whether the appointment is with a “Decision Influencer” or “Decision Maker” Click Save
This will bring you to the selected users calendar Select a date and time for the appointment by clicking on the blue “Set Date” and “Set Time” button (be sure to look at the calendar to make sure that there are no scheduling conflicts)
Add Notes: To add general notes, not specific to a particular event, go to the “Contacts” menu and enter in the “General Notes” section at the bottom of the screen.
To add notes specific to a particular event or result, click on the “Results” tab on the left hand side of the screen
This will open the “Results” screen On this screen you will add the “Notes” that are specific to a particular event or result (Ex. Appointment, Phone Call, Callback, Voic etc.)
Adding Results for Initial Contact: Click on “Add Results”
Select the result for your initial phone call and click “Save”
A calendar will pop for you to schedule a date for your follow up Select Date you would like to follow it up by clicking on the “Calendar” icon Select Time you would like to follow up by clicking on the “Clock” icon NOTE: You will not use this “Add Result” button to update a follow up call. You will only use this button for the initial contact.
Adding Results for Follow-up Calls: Click on the “Results” button the left hand side of the screen
This will bring you to the results page Click on the red “update” button to the right of the follow up you wish to update
From the “Calendar” menu you can also update the results of a follow up by clicking on the red “update” button You can also click on the green arrow, which will bring you back to the “Results” page, where you can update the follow up as well.
Clicking on the red “update” button will bring up a list of follow up results Select the appropriate result and click “save” NOTE: The results list may vary depending on the type of follow up you are updating
A calendar will pop for you to schedule a date for your follow up Select Date you would like to follow it up Select Time you would like to follow up by clicking on the “Clock” icon
Set and Clear To Do’s: You can set and clear a “to do” from the “Main Menu” tab or the “Calendar” tab From the “Main Menu” tab, click on “To-Do List” under the Events section on the left hand side of the screen
OR: From the “Calendar Menu”, click on “To-Do List”
To add a new “To-Do”, click on the “Add To-Do” button To delete a “To-Do”, click on the Trash Can Icon
View List of Events that are Open: You can view your uncleared events from the “Main Menu” tab or the “Calendar” tab From the “Main Menu” click on “Uncleared” under the Events section or the folder icon in the middle of the screen This will bring up a list of all events (Ex. Appointments) that you have scheduled and are not yet completed
OR: From the “Calendar Menu”, click on “Uncleared Events”
This will bring up a list of any Events that you have yet to complete You can make phone calls directly from this list or you can click on the green arrow and call from the “Contact” screen which provides you with more detail
Utilizing the calendar From the “Main Menu” you can choose to go directly to the “Calendar” tab or you can choose to view the calendar by the “day view, week view, or month view.”
Day View of Calendar Here you can view a list of appointments, phone calls and to do’s for the day
Week View of Calendar Here you can view your schedule for the week
Month View of Calendar Here you can look ahead to view your schedule for a whole month NOTE: Before scheduling an appointment for a particular day, you should check your calendar to make sure that there are no scheduling conflicts.
To View a Specific Users Calendar From the “Calendar” screen, add a user to the Quick Pick Calendar by clicking on the arrow on the left hand side of the table (the one where the field is blank)
This will bring up a list of users, select the one you would like to add You can also delete users by clicking on the trash can on the right side of the table Highlight the user whom which you wish to see the calendar for (you will use this feature to view the schedule of your salesperson and to view your own schedule)
Printing, Faxing or ing a Lead Sheet, Cost Analysis, or Rental Agreement: Select appropriate document
Printing a Mapquest: Click on “MapQuest” from the contact screen
View your Scheduled Appointments that are not yet Completed Click on “Appointments” under the “Events” tab
This will bring up a list of your scheduled appointments that are not completed yet (This feature is mainly used for the Outside Salesperson to view their appointments) If you would like to print the “Lead Sheet”, click on the green arrow and the lead sheet will appear
Example of a Lead Sheet:
Zip code finder With this feature you can search for any zip code, find distance between two zip codes, and find nearest zip codes. (The inside salesperson may utilize this feature to cluster the salespersons appointments in one area) Click on “Zip code” under the Records section on the left of the screen
This feature is very helpful when scheduling appointments for the Outside Sales staff. You can refer to this when scheduling appointments to verify distance from appointment to appointment or you can search for a list of contacts in a particular zip code where an appointment is currently scheduled.
Adding an Unrelated Event to the Calendar This feature is used when you want to ad an event such as Vacation schedule or Personal Day From the “Calendar” tab, click on the “Add Event” tab
Click on the “Add new Event” button
It will then ask you, “Do you wish to Add a New Event for the name of the person who’s calendar you are viewing?” Click “Yes”
Select the appropriate event from the list and enter the pertinent information NOTE: Again, this feature is only used if you are scheduling an event that does not correlate to any particular contact in your contact database. You will use this function to schedule vacation time, personal days, sales meetings, etc
To Delete a Record: Click on the “Delete” button under the “Add New” tab on the left side of the screen NOTE: You can only delete a record on the same day the record was created and if there are no Events or Accounts assigned to this record.