Assessing PEPs Way of Working Success and failure Coordination Website OECD relations Intercessional work.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessing PEPs Way of Working Success and failure Coordination Website OECD relations Intercessional work

PEPs Success and Failure Bringing a P-E focus into environment strategies. PEP members have achieved both direct and indirect influence. Special approaches needed in decentralized settings. Training. Not really PEPs comparative advantage. Maybe some of the e-learning efforts of PEP members to be made more widely available. Use the website to faciltate access to PEP information and syntheses of PEP-related works. Written Products. All papers are inter-agency in nature and not published by PEP. Past emphasis on written products, but consider more on supporting change. PEP publications have been widely disseminated and used for in-house training. Now sufficient material to support a move to country-level work. How to get more input from clients (both in target countries and within PEP member organizations). Emphasize lines of activity/thought that can achieve country-level impacts. Thematic Focus of Meetings. This is now well accepted as the mode of PEPs way of working. But participation/membership remains largely donor agencies.

Coordination PEP to the rescue will not get a warm reception within development partner organizations in absence of strong engagement and fine-tuning to their needs. How best to deploy assets of the PEP members to better promote the PEP agenda? Important part of PEP efforts to develop ways for development organizations to better address P-E links and opportunities. PEP needs to think carefully about how best to include representatives of developing countries who are the ultimate targets of its messages. –Invite to help set the agenda? –Participate for a theme of a specific meeting? –Does location follow the agenda or vice versa. –Reach out to those directly engaged with the theme of the meeting. Get countries more involved and keep PEP relevant…

PEP members need to link and to help populate the site with information from members. Other opportunities provided by the website for knowledge management. No real excuse for lack of action on the part of member. Ensure that PEP work well documented on the website and strongly promoted. Perhaps the website should be a repository of the latest PEP list.

OECD Relations Work on first phase of PEI and Green Paper for Johannesburg led to PEP. Environet has been running in parallel, servicing the needs of DAC member countries. Some areas of PEPs work could feed into the OECD task forces. Fine to allow the two to continue to run in parallel and interact through their overlapping members without trying to integrate their agendas or meetings.

Intercessional Support Several important functions. Materials from the latest PEP meeting need to be distributed. Leaders of work streams need to exercise that responsibility. Preparation for the next meeting(s) needs support, including organizing a dialogue on the theme(s) and agenda(s). Support to the website outreach efforts.