Harmonising in Country Support for Green Economy and Poverty Reduction Results from breakout group on 08/02/12
Peaceful Protest Confusion – overlapping agendas but everything is related GE is nebulous but already exists GE is country specific – what kind of resources and what kind of economy Governance frameworks still to be nailed down
Specific Recommendations GE must follow national development plans where implementation promotes harmonisation We know the What. The How is missing Successful pilots & mechanisms should be fed back to guide GE implementation Laws, institutions, processes that work must be in place
Specific Recommendations Countries need to know which institutions to focus on to enhance harmonisation Need to avoid funding confusion and dis- harmony (HIV/AIDS funding in Botswana) GE incorporated into existing development indicators There is a huge group of actors whose role is not yet clear
General Conclusions Must be clear between Harmonisation of Processes and Harmonisation of Institutions Get harmonisation right among donors and other groups first PEI as a platform for harmonisation The poor, results, capacity building