Lessons 1-2
Lesson 1: Light and the Universe
Lesson Objectives
Our Universe Planets Stars Solar Systems Galaxies
Waves Waves are a transfer of energy from one point to the next. A photon is a particle of light that travels in a wavelike pattern at the speed of light,
Features of a Wave
Frequency and Wavelength
Types of Waves Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves ***A medium is any form of matter through which a wave travels***
Frequency and Wavelength
How are Certain Waves Created? Microwaves are produced when magnetic and electric fields are applied perpendicular to each other Infrared radiations are produced when a changing electric field creates a changing magnetic field perpendicular to it Gamma rays are produced by applying electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other
***Sounds needs a medium to travel though, light does not*** ***Light travels the fastest in a vacuum traveling at 300,000 km/sec***
How far away is it Light year - the distance light travels in one year. Although the term may sound like a measure of time, it is a measure of distance. The best method to measure the distance to a star is to calculate the variations in the position of the star due to movement of Earth in its orbit.
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab: 2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 01; Light and the Universe”
3. Answer all questions and at the bottom check the box, and finally click “submit”.
Lesson 2: Exploring the Universe
Lesson Objectives
Constellations Groups of Stars Named after ancient heroes, gods, or other creatures Used as a navigation system before we had better technology
Space Travel Time Line Robert Goddard believe space travel is possible First orbiting satellite - Sputnik launched by Russians Busiest time in Space Exploration. First manned mission landed on the moon First close-up look at comets Continued exploration with unmanned space crafts More manned space travel and exploration of Mars Exploration with unmanned space crafts What do you think?
Why Travel to Space? Discoveries and inventions used for space helped create products we use in the home. Let’s take a look
Was Great for the Florida Economy
Telescopes Uses lenses to focus the light
Telescopes Uses mirrors to focus the light, which reduces distortion
I can’t see it Certain types of waves of not able to pass through the atmosphere so the best placement for a telescope when observing space is space.
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab: 2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 02: Exploring the Universe” This assessment can be confusing so please visit for an instructional video on how to complete it.