European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Dr.- Ing. Beatrix VIERKORN-RUDOLPH ESFRI Chair NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010, 9 th December 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Dr.- Ing. Beatrix VIERKORN-RUDOLPH ESFRI Chair NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010, 9 th December 2010

Reflecting on the development of strategic policies for pan- European Research Infrastructures Exchanging views and exploring common and integrated initiatives Contributing to the implementation of the Lisbon agenda. Responding to the need of the scientific community to address the rapidly evolving science frontiers Role of ESFRI

Structure of ESFRI Chair Executive Board Secretariat (EC) Forum TWG EPSTWG BMSTWG SSHTWG ENVTWG ENERGY Other working groups The ESFRI Forum was set up 2002 by the EU Council of Research Ministers - e-IRG - ESF -….

ESFRI has identified new pan-European RI needed in the next 10 to 20 years, regardless of possible location 50 RIs have been identified through several review stages between 2006 and 2010 Update of the Roadmap in 2010 in the areas Energy and Biological and Medical Sciences 10 of the projects are in the implementation phase European Roadmap for RI

Criteria for entering the European Roadmap Proposal presented by Countries or European organisations Scientific Case: Uniqueness of the facility for the scientific community pan-European/international dimension Maturity of Concept: technologically & financially feasible

Process for entering the Roadmap technical and business analysis Scientific analysis by external experts of the proposal (taking 3 into account) yes no Concept mature? no yes List of emerging ideas Out Scientific Case ok? 4 5 Thematic Working Group Analysis of scientific community needs 3 6 WG draft Report + possible supporting documents Stagegate steps landscapes Peer review

Projects on ESFRI Roadmap AreaRoadmap 2010 Implemented Social Science and Humanities23 Environmental Sciences100 Biomedical and Life Sciences130 Energy51 Physical Sciences and Engineering62 Materials and Analytical Facilities33 E-Infrastructures01

Projects on ESFRI Roadmap CTACherenkov Telescope Array for Gamma-ray astronomy E-ELTEuropean Extremely Large Telescope for optical and infrared astronomy ELIExtreme Light Infrastructure: ultra high intensity short pulse laser EMFLEuropean Magnetic Field Laboratory ESRF upgradeUpgrade of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility EuroFELComplementary Free Electron Lasers in the Infrared to soft X-ray range European Spallation SourceEuropean Spallation Source for neutron spectroscopy European XFELHard X-ray Free Electron Laser FAIRFacility for Antiproton and Ion Research ILL 20/20 upgradeUpgrade of the European Neutron Spectroscopy Facility Institut Laue-Langevin KM3NetCubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope SKASquare Kilometre Array Radio Telescope Spiral2Facility for the production and study of rare isotope radioactive beams

Example: EPS FAIR Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR will provide high energy primary and secondary beams of ions of highest intensity and quality, including an “antimatter beam” of antiprotons allowing forefront research in five different disciplines of physics Construction costs: 1187 M€ Operation costs: 120 M€/year Decommissioning costs: to be estimated

FAIR Status Convention signed on October 4, 2010 – 9 countries have signed, several more negotiating FAIR GmbH founded on same day – Overall project management – Experiment coordination – Operation of FAIR accelerators and experiments Director-General: Prof. Boris Sharkov Admin. Director: Dr. Simone Richter Tech. Director: Dr. Dieter Krämer Scientific Director, Director Site & Buildings: hiring Civil construction ground-breaking: winter 2011/12 Start of operations: 2017 FAIR Status

„ Modularized Start Version“ Modules 0-5 – Re-reviewed in summer/autumn 2009 – Cost: 1027 M€ (2005 prices) for modules 0-3 – Financing inc. experiment contributions: 1029 M€ Physics pillars: – Atomic, Plasma and Applied Physics (APPA) – Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (NUSTAR) – Nuclear matter: Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) – Antiprotons: Proton Antiproton Darmstadt (Panda) – Facility for Low-Energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) – in module 4 FAIR Finance

Example: EPS SPIRAL2 Facility for the production and study of rare isotope radioactive beams SPIRAL2 is a new European facility to be built at GANIL laboratory in Caen, France. The project aims at delivering stable and rare isotope beams with intensities not yet available with present machines. SPIRAL2 will reinforce the European leadership in the field of nuclear physics based on exotic nuclei Construction costs: 196 M€ Operation costs: 6,6 M€/year Decommissioning costs: 10 M€

Example: EPS ELI Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI is devoted to scientific research in laser science, dedicated to the investigation and applications of laser-matter interaction at the highest intensity level As distributed facility, ELI will offer fascinating opportunities to a broad scientific community, e.g. for the study of photonuclear reactions and astrophysical applications Construction costs: 790 M€ Operation costs: 82 M€/year (for all three sites) Decommissioning costs: to be estimated

Prep Phase Projects sLHC Large Hadron Collider upgrade The sLHC project (super LHC) aims for a tenfold increase in luminosity for 14 TeV proton– proton collisions, achieved through the successive implementation of several new elements and technical improvements that are scheduled for 2013–2018 The sLHC-PP project will address crucial issues like the maturity of new technologies required for sLHC, solutions for critical safety issues

Prep Phase Projects TIARA Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area TIARA intends to integrate national and international accelerator R&D infrastructures into a single distributed European accelerator R&D facility The elaboration of the means and structures enabling the realization of the TIARA objectives will be carried out through the TIARA Preparatory Phase project

Prep Phase Projects ILC-HiGrade International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities One of the main objectives of this project is to create at least 24 accelerating cavities, superconducting components made of pure niobium for the planned International Linear Collider (ILC) Development of a possible organisa- tion and governance for the ILC as well as a detailed study on possible sites in Europe

Thank you for your attention!