Back To School Night Hershey Primary School Miss Vondran Room
The Primary School Walker Notes should be turned in to Mrs. Houck no later than 3:00 pm every day. or Written note to me Appointments Please make at the end of the day to minimize missed academic time
Reading Street Assessments completed online the last day of each week (spelling and reading) Parent and student can access grades ogin/login.jsp ogin/login.jsp Logins are on your child’s desk for you to take home Weekly phonics skill will match spelling list Come home first day of each week Weekly comprehension skill Weekly story mode Informational or narrative
Everyday Math Nightly homelink on blue paper To be returned the next day Have child complete independently Check their work Online games and activities ccss.everydaymathonli ccss.everydaymathonli Logins will be sent home
COCOA PRINCIPLES! C-O-C-O-A! District Wide Initiative Promotes Community, Opportunity, Citizenship, Ownership and Academics Staff will choose 5 students displaying COCOA per week! Positive phone call will be made home by Mrs. MacKenzie (principal)!
Miss Vondran’s Website Newsletters for each week Information for the upcoming week Access to DTSD Wikis Wonderful educational and seasonal activities for your child This PowerPoint For friendly reminders about 2 nd grade
Room 31’s Blog Room 31's Blog Started with non-academic blogs Will use academically as well in the future Can blog at home if desired Currently a private sight Permission slip on desk to make public Allow other teachers and principals to comment on posts
Questions or Concerns? For The Quickest Response… If you don’t hear back from me within 24 hours, please try to contact me again! Feel free to call anytime! All phone calls go straight through to my voic x5031