Board Technology Committee Update April 22, 2013
Tech Services Review of Personnel ◦ Infrastructure Updates ◦ Wireless Access Points ◦ Virtualization/Remote Desktops
Phone System Current phone system is end of life + 5 IP / Ethernet based telephony system ◦ Caller ID across the district ◦ Individualized programming ◦ Voic is possible through ◦ Videoconferencing Purchasing of the system in stages ◦ One school ◦ Exploring avenues to do more
Instructional Technology K-6
Introduction to Computer Programming Using Scratch- created by MIT Middle School SiteSite
iPad Use
iPad Inventory CategoryCount PK-2 Title I/Regular Ed Title 1/Regular Ed Science 32 English as a Second Language 55 CST/Special Education 48 Administration 16 Total489
iPad Uses
PARCC Goals “ Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers” State Testing Change- replaces NJASK Determine whether students are college- and career-ready Assess the Common Core Standards Provide data during the academic year to inform instruction, interventions and professional development Provide data for accountability & growth Incorporate innovative approaches throughout the assessment system Sample Math Sample Reading Sample Writing
PARCC Online Considerations Middle SchoolElementary Schools Need: 240 devicesNeed: 100 Devices each = 400 Have: 4 labs (30 PC’s each) = iPads 30 Chromebooks Have: 4 labs (30 PC’s each) = 120 AR – 20 iPads (3-6) RR – 20 iPads (3-6) RO – 30 iPads (3-6) SM – 120 iPads (3-6) Need to Purchase: 60 Need to Purchase: AR – 50 RR – 50 RO - 40 SM - none Total for District: 200 devices Minimum Number of Devices Needed:
Questions / Comments