Welcome!!! Mrs. Rorrer’s Language Arts Class Room 804
Mr. Rorrer Anna Marie Rorrer Me William Stone Rorrer
Reading Writing Communication Vocabulary Interpersonal Skills Self Expression 21 st Century Skills
Communication—sharing thoughts, questions, ideas, and solutions. Collaboration—working together to reach a goal; putting talent, expertise, and smarts to work. Critical Thinking—looking at problems in a new way; linking learning across subjects & disciplines. Creativity—trying new approaches to get things done equals innovation & invention.
The textbooks you will be using are: Literature (McDougal Littell) The Write Source 2000 ____________________________________________ Because your textbook is available online, you will not be given a book to take home this year unless you do not have access to the internet at home. You will be given your online code and I will walk you through accessing the book online within the next week.
Grading--Your grade will be based on the following components ▪ Homework (15%) ▪ Quizzes (20%) ▪ Assessments (25%) ▪ Class Participation/Assignments (15%) ▪ Projects (25%) Note: Grades will be updated and as current as possible on Progress Book. You should check it weekly.
Projects & Evening Learning Opportunities Projects and ELOs can be given on a daily/weekly basis. When an ELO or project is announced, I will always provide a due date. Students should record this information in their assignment book. Projects and ELOs will routinely be posted in Progress Book.
ELOs Are due at the beginning of the class period. Require a correct heading on the top, right-hand corner—after you went through all the trouble, you deserve the credit! Are an essential part of your learning because they require you to think about what you have learned or what you will be learning.
Materials for class Three-ring binder with 5 tab dividers Pencils, blue, black and colorful ink pens, and highlighters Markers, colored pencils, ruler, scissors, glue stick, poster board, old magazines (for project use) College ruled paper Flash/Jump/USB drive
Class Rules I. Bring your materials to class. II. Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. III. Treat your classmates and your teacher(s) with respect. IV. Be prepared to work hard and persevere (now ask me what that means…). V. Stay on task in class and expect your classmates to do the same. VI. Use technology for educational purposes only during school hours. VII. Smile and laugh at my jokes (even though they are not always funny). VIII. Have a good attitude. IX. Participate, participate, participate. X. Think outside the box. Try new things and be creative. Challenge: Is there something we should add/subtract/reword?
During school hours (7am-3pm) Voic extension oh.us oh.us After school hours (after 3pm, weekends) Home phone: VS.