KEY COMPONENTS of AB 109 Effective October 1, 2011 Changes definition of Felony Non-violent, Non-serious, Non-serious sex offenders (irrespective of prior convictions) released from prison will be on local post release community supervision Non-violent, Non-serious, Non-sex offenses with no serious prior will serve sentence locally Post Release Community Supervision and Parole revocations for this category of offender to be served at the local level
KEY COMPONENTS of AB 109 Changes to custody credits (day for day) Alternative Custody (electronic monitoring) authorized for inmates being held in County Jail in lieu of bail after serving 30 days for misdemeanors and 60 days for felonies post-arraignment Home Detention (Electronic Monitoring/GPS) counts as custody credit Authorizes range of community based punishment and intermediate sanctions other than jail alone or traditional probation supervision Counties permitted to contract back with CDCR for custody beds but not for revocations
Primary Plan Elements Jail Custody Beds In-custody Correctional Healthcare Sheriff In-custody Programming Pretrial Assessment Probation Assessment Center (Risk Assessment; HSA Eligibility; EEDD Services; Mental Health Assessments and referrals for treatment) Probation Intensive Supervision Evidence Based Programming (Probation and CBO’s) Home Detention (Sheriff and Probation)
Primary Plan Elements Probation Day Reporting Center (Substance Abuse Treatment; CBT Groups; Education; Employment Readiness and Job Search) Post Release Re-entry Court (Residential and Out-patient Substance Abuse Treatment) Flash Incarceration Transitional Housing Transportation Vouchers Community Service Data Collection and Evaluation
Public Safety Realignment Outcomes Over 100 Data Elements Will Be Collected Sample Outcome Measures: Fiscal Accountability Number and Type of Services Received Successful Completion of Supervision Recidivism (conviction for new offense) Post Release Supervision Revocations Number and Length of Jail Days for New Offender Population Behavioral Health Assessments/Services Provided Completion of High School Education, GED, Vocational Training Employment Training/Placement
Public Safety Realignment Staffing DepartmentAllocationFull-time Staff Positions PROBATION$2,221,42320 SHERIFF 2,423,79520 SUPERIOR COURT 552,217 3 CORRECTIONAL HEALTH 600,0385 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 330,0005 EEDD 287,5091 HUMAN SERVICES 143,8771