Airbus Training Perspective 9 October 2003 Presented by Patrick Alizon Senior Director Training Development & Support Airbus Customer Service Airbus Training Perspective
Content Training concept Type Rating and CCQ Training Means A380 AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Training Concept: Flight Crew Present Concept A380 Concept Proposal Theoretical ë CBT ë -CAT for the first courses -CBT enriched with simulation at EIS + 9 months ë Part Task Trainers ë MFTD -ECAM -Linked with CAT/CBT -FMGS -Linked to Virtual A/C Practical ë FBS ë MFTD -Use of FFS core simulation ë FFS ë FFS -Briefing /Debriefing station -ZFT -RFU concept AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Training Concept: Maintenance Training Concept: Maintenance Crew Training Concept: Maintenance Present Concept A380 Concept Proposal Theoretical ë CBT ë -CAT for the first courses -CBT enriched with simulation at EIS + 9 months ë MTD 2D ë MFTD -Control & Indicating -Control & Indicating Practical ë MTD 2D ë MFTD -Troubleshooting ex. - Troubleshooting ex. ë MTD 3D ë MFTD linked to Virtual A/C -Operation -Operation -Troubleshooting ex. -Components Location -Troubleshooting ex. ë Video -Walk around -Out of Cockpit Procedures ë Field Trip ë Field Trip Reduced ë Practical on A/C ë Practical on A/C Reduced AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Training Concept: Cabin Training Concept: Cabin Crew Present Concept A380 Concept Proposal Theoretical ë CBT ë -CAT for the first courses -CBT at EIS + 7 months ë -ACRM part of Standard Training Practical ë CEET ë CEET: Idem + ë FAP Trainer -2 Decks with cabin section -2 Slides -Cockpit + Sliding Window -Cabin Crew stations ë Virtual A/C - Customizable -Cabin Visit -Trainers: OIS, FAP, Cabin / Cockpit com. ë Hands on Training ë Hands on Training reduced AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Type rating STANDARD TRANSITION COURSE: - Called Footprint 3 - Based on 4 training means; CBT, Virtual A/C, MFTD, FFS CCQ AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Type rating FOOTPRINT: Phase 1: Phase 2: FFS 13 Days Ground school Procedures CBT / MFTD Duration 14 days Can be performed at customer site Phase 2: Handling FFS 13 Days AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Type rating Footprint AIRCRAFT PRESENTATION available on Internet to provide trainee familiarisation before training start (WBT). GROUND SCHOOL: CBT + M/FTD proposed to the airlines as a training package available at customer base AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Learning knowledge of systems Learning use of systems Type rating GROUND PHASE NORMAL FAILURE LOFT SK SIMULATOR PHASE CBT ECAM Trainer FMS Trainer FBS FBS FFS FFS FOOTPRINT 1/2 GROUND PHASE SIMULATOR PHASE Learning knowledge of systems CBT Handling FOOTPRINT 3 FFS Learning use of systems Learning procedures M/FTD AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Durations including base training CCQ Durations including base training STR = Same Type Rating STR All A320 models 12 => 8 days 9 => 8 days 12 => 8 days 9 => 8 days CCQ STR STR 4 days 3 days All A330 models All A340 models AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Durations including base training CCQ Durations including base training STR All A320 models STR All A380 models 8 days 8 days STR STR 4 days 3 days All A330 models All A340 models AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Training means CBT/E.Training Virtual a/c MFTD: 2D / 3D FFS: ZFTT/ALG CEET AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
CBT/CAT/MFTD interaction New programs will include CAT, CBT and WBT Full connection with simulation for procedures several possibilities under evaluation interactive exercises will be fully supported by simulation simulation is not specific for CBT, but derivates from FFS Integration of CBT with the MFTD device WBT available for initial training Packaging of CBT/WBT and LMS still proposed by Airbus to customers AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
A technology to support training concept Virtual A/C Virtual Reality A technology to support training concept Objectives: - Improve operational training by supporting application of procedures - Improve aircraft system location - Support links to CAT/CBT and simulation - Improve diffusion/transportation of training tools AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
What has been done, so far Virtual A/C What has been done, so far A FIRST EXPERIENCE Developments have started with the A340 program: - A340-600 Walk Around, already in service - A340-600 Component Location for Maintenance will be in service in the coming weeks - “Classic” Aircraft Walk Arounds are under development - M/FTD and Virtual Aircraft will be linked to perform Trouble Shooting Exercises. Development starting this summer for “Classic” Aircraft. AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
What we intend to do for the A380 Virtual A/C What we intend to do for the A380 Bring to the A380 program all our experience in this field Add to the current products the Virtual Cabin and the links with FAP/OIS simulation Target the 2005 software and hardware to benefit of technology improvement Nevertheless, we will provide you with training products running on average computer AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Data will be downsized to be adapted to PC performance. Virtual A/C The Virtual Aircraft will be created directly from the design office Digital Mock Up (DMU), as a “clone” Data will be downsized to be adapted to PC performance. AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
M/FTD Concept developed for the FBW family 2 versions: Designed for Pilot Training and Maintenance Training Movable 2 versions: 3D 2D and 2D projected Also launched for A380 program AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
A380 Key Dates 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 A380-800 First FLIGHT EIS Mar 2006 A380-800F First FLIGHT A380-800F EIS Jun 2008 AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Cockpit presentation AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Conclusion CONCLUSION Airbus training concept based on CBT/Virtual A/C/MFTD and FFS Link between CBT and Simulation Use of new technology like 3D virtual a/c Link between virtual a/c and MFTD Introduction of MFTD concept to decrease number of different low level devices Top down approach between FFS and MFTD Reuse of Airbus Engineering data for Digital Mock-Up (virtual a/c) and for Simulation models (MFTD and FFS) A380 will follow this strategy AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
Thank You for your attention ! AICC Conference – 9th October 2003
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