Information Technology Mission Statement The mission of the Information Technology Department is to provide a broad spectrum of support for the planning, development, deployment, and integration of state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure in computing and telecommunications services. Services includes: electronic mail services support; computer networks installation and maintenance; computing and information security; support of web-based courses; internet services; voice mail; development, planning and support of information technology enterprise systems that are critical core services of the university. Our mission is accomplished with 19 full time and 1 part time staff members, along with 25 student workers.
Information Technology Organization Chart
Information Technology Information Systems Budget Total Admin Salaries603,306659,094 Student Wages6,000 Non-Student Wages11,087 Fringe Benefits162,083191,674 Travel10,688 Maintenance and Operations798,126757,126782,126 Utilities1,800 Capital Outlay40,000 Longevity13,86016,200 Total Information Systems1,646,9501,693,6691,718,669
Information Technology Computer Labs Budget Total Admin Salaries279,582286,231 Student Wages120,000 Fringe Benefits94,99995,882 Travel4,7254,275 Maintenance and Operations46,256 Utilities1,530 Longevity4,7405,400 Total Computer Labs551,832559,574
Information Technology Telecommunications Budget Total Admin Salaries105,57370,359 Student Wages9,000 Fringe Benefits38,17832,904 Travel2,138 Maintenance and Operations35,910 Utilities9,000 Longevity2,8802,160 Total Telecommunications202,679161,471
Information Technology Total Budget Total Information Technology Budget2,401,4612,414,7142,439,714
Information Technology Maintenance Costs Vendor/SoftwareRenewal Blackbaud - Raisers EdgeSeptember$13,464.38$13,787.76$14, Clean Address - Runner TechnologiesSeptember$4, Clean Slate- Fortres Grand CorporationSeptember$767.04$805.00$ Evisions - ArgosSeptember$6,652.00$6,918.00$7, Evisions - Form FusionSeptember$5,325.00$5,538.00$5, Kaspersky Anti-virusSeptember$0.00$23,610.00$0.00 LandeskMaintenance Agreement (1000 ea)September$13,780.00$13,830.00$13, Log Me InSeptember$999.00$1,399.00$1, Lyris - List Serve SoftwareSeptember$1,236.00$0.00$1, Microsoft Campus AgreementSeptember$44,014.04$65,224.69$72, Microsoft MSDNAA - COBA/ScienceSeptember$798.00$ Minitab Inc. Site License 100 copiesSeptember$2,676.00$2, Oracle MaintenanceSeptember$77,894.86$80,231.70$82, SAS - License 100 CopiesSeptember$7,854.00$8,011.00$8, SoftLINK - Applied Computer SystemsSeptember$1,546.19$1,764.74$2, SPSS - Advanced Models - 55September$23,600.00$24,308.00$25, Sungard Higher EducationSeptember$168,170.11$183,878.61$195, Symantec Backup ExecSeptember$1,054.05$343.16$ Symantec Ghost - 684September$875.52$2,152.86$2, Touchnet + $22,114 Hosting feeSeptember$102,729.30$106,838.47$111, Track-It License Maintenance 15 UsersSeptember$0.00 $2, Windstar - Payroll Add-OnSeptember$6,935.00$7,450.00$8, Microsoft Incident SupportOctober$1, CBT Nuggets Subscription- TrainingOctober$2, Maple - 49 User LicenseDecember$3,950.00$5,900.00$6, Scantron - Class ClimateDecember$7,382.00
Information Technology Maintenance Costs Vendor/SoftwareRenewal CampusEAI - Hosting FeeDecember$0.00$29, DIR Controlled Penetration TestingFebruary$0.00$5, Paessler - Network MonitorFebruary$300.00$918.00$ Cisco Ironport Spam FiltersApril$18,401.38$19,000.00$19, LANsurveyorApril$ Oracle Maintenance Additional LicensesApril$12,413.14$12,785.00$13, CampusEAI FIM - Hosting FeeMay$0.00$19, CampusEAI - Multi ADMay$0.00$5, Steel Belted RadiusMay$450.00$1,000.00$0.00 Evisions - IntelleCheck + APJune$4,110.00$4,223.00$4, Micro Focus- Used for BannerJune$1,561.18$1,700.00$1, Equitrac (Print Control)June$1,848.00$1,900.00$1, Educause DuesJuly$1, Evisions - IntelleCheck + PayrollJuly$3,245.00$3,300.00$3, Palo AltoJuly$16,488.89$16, Solar WindsJuly$2,894.00$3,675.00$0.00 CampusEAI - Mobile AppsAugust$0.00$5, Software Maintenance Totals $564,196.08$697,330.99$701, Annual Difference $55,216.06$133,134.91$4, EquipmentRenewal Enterasys NetworksOctober$38,204.60$39,290.85$40, Packetshaper 10000December$6,120.00$0.00 Exinda Packetshaper $9, UPS MaintenenaceJanuary 1st$1,050.00$2,168.00$1, Infoblox DNS serverFebruary$0.00$3,410.50$3, SonicWall VPNMay$0.00$ Banner Hardware MaintenanceJuly$62,252.00$72,100.00$83, Cisco 7204 Router CoreAugust$3,087.00$3,400.00$3, ApplianSys - Cache EngineSeptember$0.00 $7, Hardware Maintenance Total $110,713.60$120,819.35$142, Annual Difference $19,405.66$10,105.75$21,366.65
Information Technology Budget Information Technology Needs Alert! 1.Replace the Banner Hardware. The Banner Hardware was installed in 2006 and should be replaced in the next couple of years. We are waiting on a quote for replacement cost but it will probably be in the $400,000 range. We are starting to experience some disk drive failures which is usually the first symptom of aging hardware. 2.Classroom Technology Upgrades. Phase I of the Classroom Technology Upgrades has been completed. This was a total of 10 classrooms costing approx. $25,000 per room. We should look at funding another round of classroom upgrades. 3.Staffing requirements.