Radiation Effects Committee Summary Report Dan Fleetwood, Chair REC 3 Nov. 2012
NSREC 2012 – Miami, FL InterContinental, Miami: July PositionCommittee Member General Chairman Ken LaBel, NASA GSFG Local Arrangements Lew Cohn, NRL Finance Chair Keith Avery, AFRL Technical Chair Christian Poivey, ESA Short Course Chair Ron Schrimpf, Vanderbilt Industrial Exhibit Penny Meeker, US-Semi Chuck Tabbert, Ultra Commun. (acting) REDW Chair Paul Eaton, MRDC Awards Philippe Paillet, CEA Publicity Teresa Farris, Aeroflex Poster Session Chair Steve Buchner, NRL 2 Meetings and Registration Support: ETC Services
Attendance Breakdown 9/14/20153 Registrants from North America397 Registrants from Europe:74 Registrants from Latin America:4 Registrants from Asia: 23 Registrants from Africa:2 Abstracts submitted: 208 Abstracts accepted: 141 # Short Courses: 1 # Exhibits: 63
International Attendance - Technical 9/14/20154 MIALASDENQUETUCHNLPTVSEAATLMRY Argentina1 Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Israel Italy Japan Korea Netherlands Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Total INT'L
Submission Overview 9/14/20155 Data Workshop: 1 author did not accept to be in DW, 1 paper withdrawn (W-25), 1 LN paper withdrawn (W-36L) Overall acceptance rate: 68% (regular submission), 65% (late news)
Repartition by Country 9/14/20156
Tech Session Attendees /14/20157 Estimated 10-15% return to NPSS Approximate Planning Model
Short Course Attendees /14/20158
Government Supporters Defense Threat Reduction Agency Air Force Research Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program NASA Living With a Star 9/14/20159
Corporate Supporters Atmel BAE Systems Boeing Honeywell International Rectifier Intersil Corporation Northrop Grumman Southwest Research Institute Synopsys, Inc. Texas Instruments Aeroflex 9/14/201510
Industrial Exhibitors - 63! 9/14/ D Plus USA Aei Systems Aeroflex AFRL/RVSE Space Electronics Branch ATMEL BAE Systems The Boeing Co. C-MAC MicroTechnology CORWIL Technology Corporation Crane Aerospace & Electronics CST Inc. DRTL E.M.P. Consultants HILEVEL Technology, Inc. Honeywell Hopewell Designs Integra Technologies, LLC International Rectifier Intersil Corporation ISDE/Vanderbilt University J.L. Shepherd & Associates Jazz Semiconductor Lawrence Berkeley National Labs M.S. Kennedy Corporation Maxwell Technologies Inc. Micropac Industries, Inc. Micro-RDC Microsemi Corporation Modular Devices Inc. NASA CRESSE NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program National Reconnaissance Office Naval Research Laboratory Northrop Grumman Novocell Semiconductor Inc.( Booth 25) NSF Center for High Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC) Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation PULSCAN Ridgetop Group Robust Chip Rochester Electronics Sandia National Laboratories Silicon Space Technology Silvaco Inc. SVTC Technologies Synergy Health Synopsys Teledyne Microelectronics Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute Texas Instruments TRAD Ultra Communications ULTRA TEC University of California-Davis VPT Inc. White Sands Missile Range - Survivability, Vulnerability and Assessment Directorate Zephyr Photonics
Agencies/organizations of concern for $100k threshold NASA (~ 35 attendees, plus $18k of direct support) DOE/Sandia (~ 23 Sandia attendees, plus $6k of direct support) Vanderbilt Univ. (~ 32 attendees) –Primary source of support is from government grants –Sequestration? Delays? Pressure to reduce travel expenditures? 9/14/201512
2013 NSREC Hyatt Embarcadero, San Francisco, July 8-12, Conference Chair, Jeff Black, Sandia National Labs 50 th anniversary themed event, with AdCom support (thank you!) –Committee has drafted a letter of travel support to past volunteers who otherwise could not attend – in process of finalizing the draft and the volunteer list We note with sadness the passing of Jim Raymond, 1979 NSREC conference chair, IEEE Fellow, a giant in the community, and a true gentleman –Intent is to hold special commemorative event without undue impact on remainder of conference budget 49 years of TNS DVD – under final review Special issue of the TNS: June 2013 (collecting submissions)
2013 NSREC Short Course Evolution of Radiation Studies on the Path of Moore’s Law: Past, Present and (Foreseeable) Future Morning speakers will focus on landmark studies, from a historical perspective: Ken Galloway, Vanderbilt: Total Ionizing Dose Effects Joe Srour, Aerospace Corp: Displacement Damage Effects Robert Baumann, Texas Instruments: Single Effect Effects Afternoon speakers will focus on the challenges of complex systems (Heather Quinn, Los Alamos) and Emerging Technologies (Ken Rodbell, IBM)
2014 and 2015 NSRECs 2014—Conference Chair, Robert Ecoffet, CNES –July –First NSREC outside North America (a year with no RADECS) –Marriott, Rive Gauche – final contract approved Initial and second deposits paid directly by IEEE (thanks to Ron Keyser for support) –Committee finalized –Budget reviewed in Miami at our RESG meeting Under final review by NPSS for loan approval and bank accounts in US and France –First committee meeting held at RADECS, Biarritz, Sept —Conference Chair, Mike Xapsos, NASA GSFC –July –Marriott, Copley Place, Boston –Hotel contract signed