1 Ohio Achievement Tests Grades 3–8 District Test Coordinator and School Test Coordinator Schedule and Updates (F-1) September
2 Relevant Topics for 2008–2009 Recent changes for grades 3–8 Test schedules New OGT demographic pages Ordering Form A Review of generic labels Review of Record Change windows Rescores and verifications
3 Recent Changes for Grades 3–8 Multiple forms spiraled within classrooms Test booklets sealed Flexible scheduling of test windows
4 October 2008 Test Schedule Grade 3 Reading Test September 22—DTCs receive materials from PEM; transfer materials to STCs well in advance of administration. October 6—First possible date for test administration. October 9—Pre-scheduled pickup of “Early Return” scorable materials from District location. October 10—Pre-scheduled pickup of “Regular Return” scorable materials from District location. October 10—DTCs call FedEx to request pickup of nonscorable materials by October 15.
5 May 2009 Test Schedule April 13—DTCs receive materials from PEM; transfer materials to STCs well in advance of administration. April 20—First possible date for test administration. May 1—Pre-scheduled pickup of “Early Return” scorable materials from District location. May 1—Pre-scheduled pickup of “Regular Return” scorable materials from District location. May 4—DTC calls FedEx to request pickup of nonscorable materials by May 6.
6 Schedule Clarifications Two-week window for testing. Can start on Monday, April 20, Tuesday, April 21, or Monday, April 27. If starting on April 27, secure materials are picked up beginning on Friday, May 1. Sequence for testing: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. If desired, districts may test everyday in sequence. All schools within a district must test the same grade- level content on the same day.
7 SchoolHouse ® and Pre-ID Spring 2009 enrollment windows o November 3, 2008–December 5, 2008: SWD enrollment, Pre-ID and optional services for OAT-AASWD. o February 2–February 20, 2009: Regular and special versions enrollment and optional services. Pre-loaded enrollment counts o Are based on 2008 enrollment counts plus 10% overage. o If insufficient, ODE will review/approve enrollment increase and additional order requests. Pre-ID file submission o Submit grades 3–8 AASWD files and grades 3–8 achievement files under appropriate SchoolHouse® screen. o February 2–March 6, 2009 o New file names should be used: OH03-08PREID.txt and OH03- 08AAPREID.txt.
8 Checking Enrollments Enrollments are pre-loaded. Verify that enrollments are correct for all buildings. Contact Pearson to reallocate enrollments and to open/close buildings. Order Form A for read-aloud and CD accommodations.
9 Two-Sided Demographic Page OGT Front—to be completed by all. If Pre-ID label used, no need to fill out inside front cover. Unit of Administration
10 OGT Demographic Sheet The second page (inside front cover) contains information that would be contained on a Pre-ID label. If a Pre-ID label is not available for the student and a generic Pre-ID label is being used, the second page must be filled out completely.
11 Field Testing OAT Items (Spring) For all subjects, blocks of potential test items are embedded within each operational form. These items do not affect student test results. For grades 5–8, the correct form letter must be bubbled on the demographic page.
12 Spiraling Multiple Forms Within Classrooms Starting in spring 2008, instead of a single form, three to four forms were administered within classrooms. This process provides better data for field- test questions by reducing classroom clustering effects. If a significant security breach occurs, exposure for field-test questions is limited.
13 Multiple Forms Within Schools and the Read-Aloud Accommodation Read-aloud definition. Test administrator and student must have an identical form. Form A’s must be ordered within SchoolHouse®.
14 Using Form A - Spring Form A—Make sure teacher and student have the same form. Audio CD and booklet must match. Form A has same operational expectations; every child is taking the same test. Only thing different is field-test items.
15 Use of Form A Spring 2009 Use of read-aloud accommodations requires Form A. Be sure to order correct number of Form A’s. ODE will monitor Form A orders.
16 Review of Generic Pre-ID Labels Allows DTCs to assign classroom information (for reporting) to student records not contained on the submitted Pre-ID file. Information is entered during Record Changes. Labels have a write-in space for student name; do not grid. The STC needs to track barcode numbers assigned to students. Use is optional. Documents can still be bubbled. If used, the DTC must update Pre-ID demographic information via Record Changes. Demographic data must be entered on the correct corresponding Pre- ID number used on the student test booklet or answer document.
17 Record Changes—Overview Allows online editing of student demographic data, including classroom information required for reporting Allows districts to create Pre-ID records after Pre-ID files have been submitted
18 Record Changes—Overview Allows assignment of generic labels to students who do not receive a Pre-ID label. The Record Change System is located within SchoolHouse®. A detailed user’s guide for each Record Change window will be available for download.
19 Record Changes—Fall Fall 2008 Grade 3 Reading Pre-ID record changes—Create Pre-ID student records using the Add a Student function. Pre-processing record changes—allows updates to regular and generic Pre-ID records prior to test documents being processed. Pre-reporting record changes—Allows updates to student records after processing and before reports are produced.
20 Record Changes—Fall Fall 2008 grade 3 Reading record change windows o Window #1 Pre-ID record changes: August 11–September 10 o Window #2 Pre-processing record changes: September 29–October 17 o Window #3 Pre-reporting record changes: October 27–October 28
21 Record Changes—Spring Spring 2009 Grades 3–8 Achievement: Allows DTCs to enter and edit demographic information on student records. Allows DTCs to enter student information to create Pre-ID records. This window will be available at the same time Pre-ID files are uploaded to SchoolHouse®. In addition to uploading Pre-ID files, DTCs will have the option to key enter student demographic information for creation of Pre-ID files.
22 Record Changes—Spring Pre-ID record changes—Allows districts to enter all student demographic data prior to printing of Pre-ID labels. Information entered during this window will result in regular Pre-ID labels being produced. Pre-processing record changes—allows updates to regular and generic Pre-ID records prior to test documents being processed.
23 Record Changes—Spring Pre-reporting record changes— Allows updates to student records after processing and before reports are produced Pre-reporting record changes— Check enrolled grade to resolve TOG (Tested Out of Grade) Flags Enter DNS and INV codes
24 Record Changes—Spring Spring 2009 record change windows o Window #1 Pre-ID record changes: February 2–March 6 o Window #2 Pre-processing record changes: April 13–May 8 o Window #3 Pre-reporting record changes (two-day window): May 28–May 29
25 Accelerated Tester Identification Flag indicating the subject and grade of accelerated testing for students can be provided in the Pre-ID file submission. If Pre-ID flags are not used, flags must be entered using the Demographic page or the Record Change system within SchoolHouse®. Processing of documents and reporting of results from accelerated testers will be delayed if accelerated testers are not identified.
26 Review of Security Seals Each subject area within a test booklet will be individually sealed. Seals are not to be removed or broken until immediately before testing. Students should be instructed not to break the security seals for subjects that have not yet been tested. Seals for spring only—not used in fall.
27 Types of Security Seals Grades 3 and 4 o Secured with a plastic seal. o These seals are broken by gently pulling the plastic tab. Grades 5 through 8 o Secured with a paper seal. o These seals are broken by inserting a pencil, eraser side up, and pulling outward from left to right. Directions for breaking these seals are contained in the Directions for Administration.
28 Procedures for Security Discrepancies of Seals STC procedures: Test administrators should be trained to report to the STC any seals that are broken before test administration. STCs should report any premature breaking of security seals to the DTC. If a book is damaged while removing the seal, transcribe and return the original with nonscorable materials. Mark the book as Do Not Score.
29 Procedures for Security Discrepancies of Seals DTC procedures: Should note on the Materials Resolution Form any seals that are missing, broken or damaged when unpacking initial shipment. Should investigate and document any inappropriate breaking of security seals reported by the STCs. Should contact ODE if a security breach has occurred.
30 Late Batch Processing Documents included in the late batch: o Scorable materials that are returned incorrectly— with secure nonscorable materials (WRONG SHIPPING LABEL APPLIED). o Materials received after the on-time processing deadline (1 week after the end of the test window). o Materials received within 3 weeks after the end of the test window will be included in the late batch.
31 Late Batch Processing Late batch reporting o Will be limited to individual student score reports and late batch data file update online. o Printed district, school and classroom reports will not be updated to reflect the late scores. SCORABLE DOCUMENTS RETURNED AFTER THE LATE BATCH CUTOFF DATE WILL NOT BE PROCESSED AND SCORED.
32 Rescores and Verifications Web Site The Rescores and Verifications Web site can be accessed via the SchoolHouse® Web site link: User login information (username and password) will be the same as your existing SchoolHouse® login information. A user guide (with detailed instructions on the new system) will be available for download under related links. In order for rescore results to be included in district data submitted to EMIS in July 2009, rescores must be submitted between June 15 and June 29, 2009.
33 Rescores and Verifications The online application mirrors the form that was previously used to submit rescores and verifications o THERE ARE NO PAPER FORMS FOR GRADES 3–8 2008–2009 features include the o Ability to enter rescore and verification requests for 3–8 achievement tests and AASWD o Ability to request rescores for any grade/subject for any student tested o Ability to select students from pre-loaded lists of district, school and student names based on documents returned for processing o Ability to filter submitted requests for status based on school, grade, subject, student name
34 Rescores and Verifications Verify your score data as soon as possible after receipt (June 15, 2009) Categories for submission of verifications o Incorrect score assignment: Student score exchanged with another student’s score o Invalid test score assignment: Student received a DNA on a test that he/she took or student received a score on a test that he/she did not take o Missing student: Student tested but test results were not received
35 Rescores and Verifications Rescore and Verification Request results will be reported via on-line memos (including notification when results are posted for district review) Demographic Update Form, which references verification number, can be used to update OOARS (Ohio Online Assessment Reporting System)
36 Ohio Achievement Tests Document Archive ( Non-secure test documents
37 Ohio Test of English Language Acquisition (OTELA) Spring 2009
38 OTELA 2009 Key Dates October 13- November 7, 2008 TIDE open for pre-ID uploads and materials orders January 12, 2009Districts receive K-12 test materials January 19-March 13, 2009K-12 test window March 16, 2009*Last day for UPS pickup of OTELA materials for return to AIR * IMPORTANT: Materials not returned on 3/16/09 will not be scored. There will be no late processing or scoring for spring 2009 OTELA.
39 OTELA Contacts For information about…Contact OTELA policy Accommodations Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Office of Assessment Phone: Fax: Receiving and returning shipments Ordering materials American Institutes for Research (AIR) Phone:
40 Final Comments and Questions Thank you for your time and attention. Final questions?