Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review Midwest Region Matt Gardiner v2
TOP ACCOUNTS FY 11 VS. FY 10 AccountFY 10FY 11$ Variance % Variance Northwestern$547,118$561,119$14, % University of Chicago$569,911$529,488$ 40, % University of Michigan$349,687$360,359$10, % Ohio State University$212,669$217,580$4, % University of Wisconsin – Madison$150,257$158,733$8, % University of Illinois$137,497$135,479$2, % University of Minnesota$267,755$268,268$ % Northwood$67,451$198,225$130, % Indiana$325,000*$327,611$2, % Totals *Adjusted to remove late report from FY09 $2,627,345$2,756,862$129, %
OPPORTUNITIES Verticals – still much untapped potential Site License Opportunities – Iowa State University and Lake Forest Wayne State - Prematrics for entire MBA Program Renewal of Enterprise Site Licenses for University of Michigan and Northwood University Upgraded Sims – V2’s should enhance interest Renewal of Michigan State Prematrics License Promoting Case Analysis Coach to online programs
CHALLENGES Continued tight budgets for Executive Education Course Pack Pricing – Groundswell of student unhappiness Alternative/Free course materials Meeting with Part time/ Adjunct, Executive in Residence Faculty Finding time on campus to visit verticals Continuing to find relevant and new materials for undergraduates
WHAT’S WORKING WhatWhere/How/Why Looking for new faculty at top 10 Chicago, Northwestern, Illinois, etc. – work with top admins, faculty services to provide that list. Identify and catch them while they are new Identifying Faculty that Teach online All schools – Locate online office and ask admin for referrals Identify prime faculty who have not been able to meet All Schools – by creating tailored packets to be left under their doors or in mailboxes Leverage case mappingTop 10 schools appreciate this – also a very handy tool with just about any school, but should be used as appropriate Administrator Appointments or drop ins All schools – Admins are many times the eyes and ears of a school and can provide valuable information – check in to just see “whats up” in general and about trends they might have heard, changes in type of faculty requests, anything they might hear direct from the students. Executive Education Meetings Target EE Staff for Lunch and Learn meetings Brief CasesVery well received by faculty Simulation Webinars/Conferences Great tool to point faculty to for a more in depth review of the products
What’s Not Working WhatWhere/How/Why Lack of a CRM Current system is inefficient and creates duplication of effort Admin confusion on how to set up online products Admins are not always sure which the correct procedure for setting up sims Getting decent appointments at top schools Top schools “think” they know all about our product lines and are reluctant to meet with us Shortened selling season compressing time needed to manage 50 accounts Smaller schools get the short end of the stick Opportunity cost of increased need to provide admin support to customers Finding the right balance between RSM’s selling and/or providing admin support to customers