Professional Development System
Purpose Purpose of today’s discussion is to: o Provide background of State Leadership Activities o Review plan for change o Outline the changes for Structure of Professional Development System o “Prime the pump” for additional field input
Federal Definition of State Leadership State Leadership funds are to be allocated for activities of statewide significance that promote the purpose of AEFLA. From WIA Title II, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of 1998, Sec. 223
Activities can include: personnel/professional development technology assistance curriculum development program incentives integration of literacy and occupational training linkages with postsecondary institutions monitoring and evaluation Federal Definition of State Leadership
State Leadership Network in Ohio State Leadership Network (SLN) Resource Center Network(RCN) C/Southeast Resource Center Northeast Resource Center Northwest Resource Center Southwest Resource Center Ohio Literacy Resource Center OSU Evaluation and Design Project Ohio Adult Literacy Coalitions State ABLE Program
History of PD in Ohio o Resource Centers Established –Each facilitated PD and gathered resources for their approved specialty areas Northeast – ESOL Central/Southeast – Standards and LD Southwest – Student Experience Model Northwest – Workforce Education Ohio Literacy Resource Center – Family Literacy, Mathematics, ABLELink, Distance Education The Ohio State University Project – Strategic Planning, Evaluation
History of PD in Ohio 2002 o First Implemented - Teacher competencies -Instructor PD plans -PD Catalog -Incentives/stipends though RCN -Online RCN Calendar
Historic Background of PD in Ohio First Implemented -Alternative PD activities -Core course requirements -PD committee o First Implemented - Instructor and administrator self- assessments -Evaluation of PD based on research -Common evaluation instrument
Historic Background of PD in Ohio 2007 o First Implemented -Revised new teacher orientation -Instructor, administrator, and support staff standards -Additional Core courses o First Implemented - Self-assessment -New staff orientation online 2008
Historic Background of PD in Ohio 2009 o First Implemented -Technology Initiative -WIA Incentive Collaboratives
Future System
Planning A planning session was held in June Participants included: Resource Center Staff Ohio Board of Regents State ABLE Staff Ohio State University Staff ABLE Administrators Robert Seaman Beth Trace Jandi Adams Susan Sheehan
Planning Areas of Emphasis: Critical Components for PD system Framework for individual professional portfolio Evaluation Incentives Components build on the existing elements: Practitioners’ standards Self-assessments Individual and Program Plans Online staff orientation
Vision – To have the most efficient, cost-effective delivery system of Professional Development that supports the goals of the State ABLE and OBR Strategic Plans. Challenge – As a partner in the University System of Ohio, we must maximize the use and impact of state leadership funding and activities by coordinating with our USO partners. Why we are reviewing the System
Configuration of State Leadership (SL) Systems in other states of similar governance and size and various models of innovation for SL Systems The structure of the Ohio ABLE PD system needed to ensure a comprehensive professional development system that supports teacher quality, embeds professional learning, and promotes instructional leadership What we are reviewing
RFPs will be available for all State Leadership Projects for FY 2012 considering: Identified Configuration of State Leadership (SL) System Structure of the PD system PD priorities The Request for Proposals will be available in early 2011 Competitive Grants
Professional Development System for Ohio ABLE
Professional Development System o A multi-tiered system will be implemented that will address the needs of all ABLE staff and will also allow specialization that coordinates with other institutions in the University System of Ohio. Initially, there will be two tiers: –Tier 1: Core required professional development –Tier 2: Optional specialty areas
o Tier 1 –designed to provide the background knowledge, policies and procedures needed for the job –is required of all staff –consists of specific “core” courses for each of the four tracks Tier 1 - Examples of Topics in Track
Administrators Teachers: ABE/GED Teachers: ESOL Support Staff Orientation Learning Disabilities Assessment Accountability Learning Disabilities TechnologyClassroom Management Assessment Explicit Instruction ESOL Basics Technology Distance Learning
Tier 2 Examples o Tier 2 –is designed for in depth PD and content learning –includes prescribed, “core” areas of PD –is flexible for a staff member to pursue PD to meet needs outlined in IPDPs –has six tracks in Tier 2 AdministratorsSupport staff Teachers: Language ArtsTeachers: Math Teachers: General Teachers: ESOL
Professional Development System Ties together professional development planning staff achievements accountability, both program and individual online registrations statewide library system
Professional Development System Incentives for PD –Local programs will be held accountable for staff completion of PD and budgeting for it –Stipends will no longer be paid through the resource centers –Completion of tiers may result in… Certificates of Completion Graduate credit Honorarium
o What is next? –Roundtable discussions will follow this presentation –These groups will be facilitated by the Resource Center Staff and will be grouped by regions: Region 1 will be in Dublin I Region 2 will be in Dublin II Region 3 will be in Dublin V Region 4 will be in Dublin VI Professional Development System
We want and need your feedback and recommendations. Thank You!