November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne The Future of Library Collections: Access and Stewardship in a Networked World Lizanne Payne Executive Director Washington Research Library Consortium
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Libraries were local centers of learning Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Libraries and Library Catalogs Lizanne Payne 1960s 1980s
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Libraries could provide lasting benefits to scholarship and economies to their institutions by proactively developing a distributed print repository network on a regional, national or even a global scale. Lizanne Payne Libraries are going global
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Library as place New spaces for students, not books Trend: Libraries are for people
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Trend: Electronic journals and books are viable alternatives 2008 study by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Trend: Campus attitudes toward libraries are changing Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Over 1.2 BILLION Volumes in Academic Libraries in the English-speaking World Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne 80+ library storage facilities, most built in the last 15 years Library storage facility: a separate building purpose-built for long-term storage of very large quantities of library materials A Growing Trend Around the World
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Volumes stored by SIZE for maximum density Can hold 1 to 2 million volumes per 4,000 sm Order picker for retrieval Usually built off- campus Scheduled delivery Construction cost per volume approx USD $3 Harvard Model Storage Facility
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series o Lizanne Payne Volumes stored in metal bins, retrieved by robotic mechanism Can hold over 1 million volumes per building module Built on campus Delivery in minutes Construction cost per volume approx USD $10 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) Photo courtesy “ librarymaven ” on
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Shared Storage Models Shared Secondary Storage ReCap (Columbia, Princeton, NYPL) Southwest Ohio Regional Depository University of Missouri system Washington Research Library Consortium (but changing) Many others… Shared or Last Copy Storage CARM Centre Five Colleges, Inc (MA) Five Colleges (OH) PASCAL (Colorado) Tri-Universities Group NE Ohio Repository
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Print Journal Archiving Digitizer dark archives U of California system Harvard University Print edition available for rescanning Prospective Archiving U of California system CIC libraries Print edition direct to storage
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Shared Print Initiatives Retention agreement among multiple libraries to preserve and provide access to print volumes Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Australia: Group of 8 Libraries “Bright archive” distributed repository based on commitments to retain and provide access to specific titles held in restricted-access facilities Phase 1: Journals with online equivalent, Phase 2: Other low-use journals, Phase 3: Monographs Light commitment MOU under discussion (7 of 8 libraries)
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Cooperative Collection Management Trust (CCMT) Pilot Project OCLC pilot project to to track preserved holdings, compare participants’ holdings, and estimate the potential space savings 19 libraries including Ohio State University, University of Virginia, Brown University, members of ASERL and WRLC consortia
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series CCMT Library Collection Duplication Analysis Of the 19 participating libraries Out of 27 million monograph volumes that were owned by at least 3 libraries Over 18 million were duplicate copies Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne UK: The UK Research Reserve The British Library (Boston Spa) University of Birmingham University of Liverpool University of St Andrews University of Southampton Imperial College London Cardiff University “Safeguard the long term future of printed research journals” Access copy stored at British Library, 2 reserve copies at participating libraries
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne UK: The UK Research Reserve Phase 1 funding > $1.5 million AUD for deduplication Phase 2 funding $25 million AUD continues support for deduplication and developing systems Project goal = 100 km free shelf space = Capital value $77 million AUD
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Mass Digitization Mass scanning from major libraries without selection In-copyright works shown as “snippet”, full image for out-of- copyright NEW: Library subscriptions to full text MARC records going into OCLC, API for one-off search Millions of books scanned, number not publicized Emphasis on economy of scale, ubiquitous search Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Mass Digitization Low-cost, high-throughput scanning at local participating libraries Public domain works chosen by libraries Download and print through the Internet Archive’s Open Library Several hundred thousand titles available as of October 2008 Emphasis on open access and free availability Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Hathi Trust A shared digital repository of the libraries of the CIC, University of California System, University of Virginia, others may join Copies of their Google Books materials, and more About 2 million volumes in October 2008 Emphasis on long-term curation “memory, wisdom, and strength” Mass Digitization Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Local scan to build e-book collections Emory University Print on Demand Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Local scan and print on demand for ILL Caval Carm Centre Print on Demand Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Networked Print On Demand from E-Books Espresso print-on-demand machine at University of Michigan Prints from Google Books, Open Content Alliance, or other digital books Local POD delivery anywhere in the world Perfect-bound volume Less than 10 minutes Less than $10 Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series “In an environment of large-scale digitization, the cost to hold print versions locally may become greater than the benefit for many libraries.” Roger Schonfeld, “Getting from Here to There, Safely: Library Strategic Planning for the Transition Away from Print Journals” Serials Librarian, 52.1/2. Lizanne Payne
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Print Repository Network Online books Evolving Library Ecosystem
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Print repository network Local library Volumes for current programs Noncurrent monographs Unique or uncommon monographs Bound journals Print on demand delivery Online delivery Physical delivery Walk-in access Print Repository Network Lizanne Payne Google Books Open Content Alliance Hathi Trust 10s of millions of full- text volumes Online books
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Key Features of a Print Repository Network To storage Committed Holdings Holdings Registry Committed Participants Storage Repositories
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Collection Analysis: Comparison of Holdings Library Print Collection Online Books Preserved Books DiscardStore or Discard
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Formal Agreements Directory Key Features of a Print Repository Network Collection analysis reports To storage Committed Holdings Holdings Registry Committed Participants Storage Repositories Priority access Borrowing System Withdrawals (virtual storage) Withdrawals (virtual storage) ILL Ad Hoc Participants
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series “No single library can or should acquire and retain everything. To do so would be to disregard our home institution’s mission and to squander its resources. However, collectively we should be concerned with the survival of the print record broadly conceived.” Stephen Enniss, “Collaborative values and survival of the print record”, College and Research Libraries News, June 1999.
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary Series Accidental Redundancy Model (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) The Abbey Library of St Gallen has been in continuous existence for over 1,200 years. It is the only major medieval monastery library still standing at its original location.
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Planned Redundancy Model Yano study: the magic number is 13
November 2008 VALA - CAVAL 30 th Anniversary SeriesLizanne Payne Just in Case Access and Stewardship Model for the Future Just in Time