Ajandek Eory Ajandok Eory
Beginning… Nagyfa „prison-like” detoxification institute 2 hours workshop for the staff (all medical doctors) Prof Dr Michael Smith
Continuous treatment in Nagyfa, until closing down of the institute in 1989 Conference presentation in 1986 on the 32nd International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism by the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, Lausanne, Switzerland
Euro NADA office in Hungary: Paul Zmiewsky NADA trainer and sinologist NADA is provided for free In 1993 the Professional College of Addictology accepted NADA and assigned it to be included into the free social welfare system However, it was also declared that a medical doctor should supervise NADA treatment given by non- medicals
1997 uptil now It was 20 years ago, but was never put into practice. In 1997 in the law for Complementary and Alternatie Medicine NADA practice and training was regulated and non medicals could practice it according the law.
Education and practice requirements according the law Secondary school maturation (completed 12 ys in school) Successful examination at the State Institution for Teaching Health Professionals Requirements: needling the five points in plastic ear model and also in life (on the ear of another examinee) Extensive theoretical knowledge of addictology and TCM philosophy of NADA ear acupuncture
2011- There is an effort to change the law, prohibiting ear acupuncture for non-medicals. Reasoning: Penetrating the skin by needle carries danger for patients and can be safely provided only by doctors.
Our arguments Needling the ear with filiform acupuncture needles is much less dangerous than ear-rings, piercings and tattoing procedures. Addiction is a very big problem and fighting against it requires broader collaboration than that of MD’s can provide through the healthcare system In the present economic situation, it is non-affordable to lose more than 1300 jobs.
Opening for discussion Possible solutions NADA regulation will not change NADA practice will continue under incomplete state regulation – this is the current situation: training and examining is allowed, but only temporary permission for practice cannot be gained.