1 UNC-CH, SILS (Chapel Hill, NC, USA, February 17, 2006) “ETDs Globally: Past, Present, Future, and the Expanding ETD Community” Edward A. Fox Executive Director, NDLTD Professor, VT Dept. of Computer Science --- Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA USA Cell:
Acknowledgements All those working with ETDs NDLTD, including Board, Committees, and Members (and earlier steering committee) ETD xxx Conference Teams, incl Faculty, Staff, Students at Virginia Tech and at institutions collaborating with us Sponsors, including –Adobe, DFG, FIPSE, IBM, Microsoft, NSF, OSI, ProQuest, Scirus, SURA, UNESCO, VTLS, …
Contents Digital libraries Summary of ETD 2005 terms, phrases NDLTD, services Future Work Conclusion/Summary: Why ETDs?
4 Synchronous Scholarly Communication Same time, Same or different place
5 Asynchronous, Digital Library Mediated Scholarly Communication Different time and/or place
People: Why of Global Interest? National projects can preserve antiquities and heritage: cultural, historical, linguistic, scholarly Knowledge and information are essential to economic and technological growth, education DL - a domain for international collaboration –wherein all can contribute and benefit –which leverages investment in networking –which provides useful content on Internet & WWW –which will tie nations and peoples together more strongly and through deeper understanding
10 Technology: Information Life Cycle
11 Technology: DL Curriculum Framework
Contents Digital libraries Summary of ETD 2005 terms, phrases NDLTD, services Future Work Conclusion/Summary: Why ETDs?
13 Conference Summary Words - 1 accessibilityaggregationalert annotatearchivearts attitudesauthenticationauthoring authorizationautomationbrowse catalogcollaborationcommunity componentscontextconversion customerdecentralizeddigitize discoursediscoverydissemination DSpacefederatedFedora globalgrideconomic harvestingingestinnovation institutionalintegrityinteraction
14 Conference Summary Words - 2 interchangeinteroperabilityknowledge LOCKSSmanagementmetadata nationalOCRorganization partnershipPDF (/A)podcasting portalpreservationprovider regionalrepositoryretrieval scalabilityScirussearch serverservicesharing standardizationstrategicstudent summarizationsustainabletestimonial toolkittrainingtutorial UnicodeusableVALET XMLXSLTworkflow
15 Conference Summary Phrases - 1 alumni developmentalways on business modelconcept map content managementcopyright compliance cost effectiveCreative Commons creative materialcross language dark archivedeveloping country digital librarydigital rights management digital signaturedisruptive technology document modelDublin Core
16 Conference Summary Phrases - 2 e-knowledgee-publishing e-researche-science full textGoogle Scholar institutional repositoryLDAP server learning objectmandatory deposit Million Book Projectnational initiative Net GenOAI PMH online digital studioopen access Open Archives Initiativeopen source
17 Conference Summary Phrases - 3 persistent identifierspostgraduate research public domainrestricted access retrospective conversionscholarly communication server logservice oriented architecture social networkstepping stone subject gatewaysurvey data union catalogunlocking IP user centeredvalue added voluntary participationwalking the talk web basedweb services
Contents Digital libraries Summary of ETD 2005 terms, phrases NDLTD, services Future Work Conclusion/Summary: Why ETDs?
19 NDLTD Incorporation Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations incorporated May 20, 2003 in Virginia, USA Charitable and educational purposes (501 c 3) Officers –Executive Director (Ed Fox) –Secretary (Gail McMillan) –Treasurer (Scott Eldredge)
20 Board of Directors (2006) Suzie Allard (ETD 2004, U. Kentucky) Denise A. D. Bedford (World Bank) Julia C. Blixrud (ARL, SPARC) José Luis Borbinha (Natl Lib Portugal) Alex Byrne (ETD 2005, ADT: Australia) Tony Cargnelutti (ETD 2005, Australia) Vinod Chachra (VTLS) William Clark (Ohio State U.) Susan Copeland (RGU, UK) Jude Edminster (Bowling Green St. U.) Scott Eldredge (Treasurer, ETD 2002, BYU) Edward A. Fox (Exec Director,Virginia Tech) John H. Hagen (West Virginia U.) Thomas B. Hickey (OCLC) Christine Jewell (U. Waterloo, Canada) Joan K. Lippincott (CNI) Mike Looney (Adobe) Austin McLean (ProQuest) Gail McMillan (Secretary, Virginia Tech) Joseph Moxley (ETD 2000, USF) Eva M ü ller (U. Uppsala, Sweden) Ana Pavani (PUC Rio, Brazil) Sharon Reeves (National Library Canada) Peter Schirmbacher (ETD 2003, Humboldt) Hussein Suleman (U.Cape Town, S. Africa) Shalini R. Urs (U. Mysore, India) Eric F. Van de Velde (ETD 2001, Caltech)
21 NDLTD Committees (Chairs) Awards (John Hagen) Conferences (Sharon Reeves) Development (Peter Schirmbacher) Executive (Edward Fox) Finance (Scott Eldredge) Implementation (Ana Pavani) Membership (tbd) Nominating (Joan Lippincott) Standards (Thomas B. Hickey) Union Catalog (Vinod Chachra)
22 Selected Projects / Sponsors Australia (ADT) Brazil (BDT, IBICT) Canada Catalunya Chile (Cybertesis) China (CALIS) Germany India (Vidyanidhi) Korea OhioLINK: 79 colleges/univs Portugal (National Library) South Africa UK (British Library, JISC, Edinburgh, …) UNESCO (especially Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa) …
23 Some Countries Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China, Hong Kong Columbia Finland France Germany Greece India Italy Jamaica Korea Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Namibia Netherlands Norway Poland Russia Singapore S. Africa S. Korea Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK USA Venezuela Yugoslavia
Some Institutional Members British Library Cinemedia Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya Diplomica.com Dissertation.com Dissertationen Online (Germany) ETDweb, a Division of Answer4.com Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) National Documentation Centre (NDC), Greece National Library of Portugal (for all universities) OCLC Online Computer Library Center OhioLINK Organization of American States (SEDI/OAS) Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) UNESCO (
28 Union catalog: OCLC OCLC runs OAI data provider on ETDs. Is getting data from WorldCat (so, from many sites!). Will harvest from all others who contact: Tom Dehn Thom Hickey Need DC and either ETD-MS or MARC. Has a set for ETDs.
32 OCLC SRU Interface
34 ETD Union Search Mirror Site in China (CALIS) ( – popular site!)
35 VTLS VTLS offers its free VALET system to manage ETDs at institutions, building upon Fedora, as well as VTLS software. VTLS runs a service provider atop the Union Catalog. It supports multilingual access. See screen dump:
Contents Digital libraries Summary of conference terms, phrases NDLTD, services Future Work Conclusion/Summary: Why ETDs?
40 Future Work – 1 of 3 Collection –Cover all universities around the world –Expand from dissertations to theses to undergrad theses to reports to e-portfolios –Add in page images of back files or at least bib records (retrospective) –Support diversity of tools, including DSpace, ETD-db, Eprints, …
41 Future Work – 2 of 3 Promote use of ETDs –Collaborate with Scirus, Google Scholar, … –Support students so have DOIs, resolved references, XML works, MD5 hash, authority records, additional training –Support cross language, multilingual, multimedia search/browse –Provide aids to classification into DDC, domain-specific classification systems, etc.
42 Discovery Current Awareness Preservation Service Providers Data Providers Metadata harvesting The World According to OAI
43 OAI – Black Box Perspective OA 1OA 2OA 4OA 3OA 5OA 6OA 7
44 LOCKSS (& ETDs) Lots of copies keep stuff safe Stanford (Vicky Reich) Initial focus on lower levels Initial content: journals Emory (Martin Halbert), NDIIP –Help deploy and adapt –Help apply in other contexts Another registry Set of publisher manifests (information providers) Set of storage systems (archival storage) USA Pilot -> International Pilot (VT Ind. Study)
45 Future Work – 3 of 3 Enhance services for students –Help students with electronic submission, e-pub, multimedia, hypermedia, electronic data sets, electronic lab notebooks –Support students with annotations, threaded discussions, recommenders –Support work with early versions of ETDs for collaboration, with limited access and chat groups –Encourage submission of PPT, video of defense (or a rerun)
Contents Digital libraries Summary of ETD 2005 terms, phrases NDLTD, services Future Work Conclusion/Summary: Why ETDs?
47 Why ETD? Short Answer For Students: –Gain knowledge and skills for the Information Age –Richer communication (digital information, multimedia, …) For Universities: –Easy way to enter the digital library field and benefit thereby For the World: –Global digital library – large, useful, many services General: –Save time and money –Increased visibility for all associated with research results
48 How? Steps Attend ETD xx Join NDLTD Launch initiative, dialog, encourage Pilot -> requirement OAI data provider DINI-Certificate Log, survey, analyze, improve Help other sites Serve on NDLTD committees Extend services: preservation, inst. rep., …
49 Ricardo, Arun Global perspective – a sampler: Ricardo da Silva Torres: Brazil, IBICT –Year during doctoral studies –Visiting from UNICAMP on “summer break” Arun Chakraborty: India, Vidyanidhi –Visiting from Bose Institute during final phase of Fulbright Scholar work, after earlier stay at NLM –Institutional repositories: overview, contrast
50 Questions? Discussion? Recommendations? Thank You!