Great Lakes Regional Research Information Network 2007 IAGLR Conference 29 May 2007 Jeffrey M. Reutter, Ph.D.
Objectives 1.Modeled after LEMN: 2 academic and 2 agency leads. 2.Voluntary, non-regulatory, bi-national, and inclusive: all 8 states and Ontario, academia, private sector, NGOs, etc. 3.Initiated by NOAA Sea Grant, but fundable by any agency or group, and permanent. 4.Add value to existing programs. 5.Enhance collaboration and communication of research, education, and outreach results and priorities within the Great Lakes region.
Objectives 6.Provide a network for coordination, collaboration, communication and resource sharing. 7.Assist the IJC Council of Great Lakes Research Managers in developing and implementing their Great Lakes Research Strategy.
Objectives 8.Better coordinate academic research scientists and enhance interactions between academic and agency scientists. 9.Provide a single point of contact for each lake to reach all research scientists on that lake and all scientists in the region.
Objectives 10.Build research capacity on each lake. 11.Facilitate rapid response to RFPs. 12.Develop research information network to support GLRC.
Objectives 13.Shows how GL priorities and needs fit into US Ocean Research Priorities Plan. 14.Identify and clarify research priorities and issues and the science questions to address these priorities and issues.
Objectives 15.Facilitate development of proposals to address above priorities and issues.
Lake Superior Coordination Team Steve Bortone Minnesota Sea Grant, Director Margo Shaw Upper Lakes Environmental Research Network Jack Kelly US EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division Tom Pratt Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Lake Michigan Coordination Team Phil Mankin University of Illinois, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Director Anders Andren University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Sea Grant Director Stephen Brandt NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Director Paul Horvatin US EPA, Great Lakes National Program Office, Chief
Lake Huron Coordination Team Donald Scavia University of Michigan, Michigan Sea Grant, Director G. Doug Haffner University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research Leon Carl US Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center, Director David McLeish Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Lake Erie Millennium Network Coordination Team Jan Ciborowski University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research Jeff Reutter Ohio State University, Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory, Director Russell Kreis US EPA, Office of Research and Development, Large Lakes Research Station Chris Marvin Environment Canada
Lake Ontario Coordination Team Jack Mattice New York Sea Grant, Director Gary Sprules University of Toronto Jim Johnson US Geological Survey Bruce Morrison Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Overall GLRRIN Coordination Team Academic US – Jeff Reutter, Ohio State University Canadian – Jan Ciborowski, University of Windsor Agency US – Paul Horvatin, US EPA, Great Lakes National Program Office Canadian – TBD
GLRRIN Composition, Academic Superior Steve Bortone, Margo Shaw Michigan Anders Andren, Phil Mankin Huron Don Scavia, Doug Haffner Erie Jan Ciborowski, Jeff Reutter Ontario Jack Mattice, Gary Sprules
GLRRIN Composition, US Agencies NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Steve Brandt US Army Corps of Engineers Jan Miller US Environmental Protection Agency Paul Horvatin US Fish and Wildlife Service Craig Czarnecki US Geological Survey Leon Carl
GLRRIN Composition, Regional International Joint Commission Harvey Shear Great Lakes Fishery Commission John Detmers Great Lakes Commission Christine Manninen
Education and Outreach Leaders Sea Grant Communicators Jill Jentes - OH Sea Grant Sea Grant Extension Jim Hurley - WI Sea Grant Great Lakes Education/COSEE Steve Stewart - MI Sea Grant Secretary Mark Burrows - IJC
GLRRIN Accomplishments Chicago Meeting Sept 06 hosted by EPA and paid for by Great Lakes Commission Communications and Outreach Committee established and met November 06 hosted by Pennsylvania Sea Grant and paid for by Great Lakes Commission
Outreach Accomplishments Outreach Committee formed representing all Lakes, extension and communicators from both US and Canada Outreach Strategic Plan finalized in Feb 07 and authorized by all GLRRIN reps
Outreach Accomplishments Program logos and publication templates set Program presentation and poster session at IAGLR to recruit researchers (online signup) All involved programs to link to GLRRIN Web site ( hosted by Great Lakes Commission’s Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN)
Web Site as Information Platform Hosted by Great Lakes Commission's GLIN GLRRIN fills research void on GLIN Large audience exposure--250,000 unique visitors and 10 million hits per month Use of established GLIN databases for effective and efficient searches Linked to IJC’s Research Inventory Database of 1,100 research, education, outreach projects and 250+ programs GLRRIN to serve as portal to enhance participation in Research Inventory and vice versa
Lake Superior Accomplishments GLRRIN will co-sponsor “Making a Great Lake Superior 2007” conference October Identify research priorities
Lake Michigan Accomplishments A list of partner organizations for Lake Michigan and their priorities have been identified and posted on the GLRRIN web site for review. Developing plans to rank priorities.
Lake Huron Accomplishments Developed advisory committee Identified the following overarching research and information needs: Identification of pressures that cause changes in lake conditions and societal responses Integrative research, systems approaches, and common datasets Increased academic leadership and involvement Relay more positive stories about Lake Huron and the Huron-Erie Corridor Identified strategy to meet needs and developed and submitted research proposal
Lake Erie Accomplishments Hosted meeting to identify research and management priorities with LaMP at Univ. of Windsor Hosted watershed, tributary, nearshore, and open lake conference at Univ. of Windsor Hosted workshop for new investigators at LENSC, Bay Village, Ohio Will host 5 th research planning and priorities conference in November 2007
Lake Ontario Accomplishments Conference calls to identify organizational structure Developing strategies to identify regional investigators Developing plans for Lake Ontario research conference
Jeffrey M. Reutter, Ph.D. Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory 1314 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH