Background The Student Judicial Services (SJS) is the administrative body that carries out investigation of alleged violations of academic integrity Academic dishonesty is “any act designed to give an unfair or undeserved academic advantage” Source: SJS website Currently, faculty members are primarily responsible for reporting academic dishonesty
Issues with the Current Process Students limited to reporting academic dishonesty only to their professor Faculty are only allowed to report academic dishonesty to SJS Not all faculty members properly report cases of academic dishonesty to SJS Students are allowed to report non-academic violations to SJS
Purpose To provide students with a formal outlet to report academic dishonesty observed amongst their peers Students should be able to bring to the attention of SJS observed cases of academic dishonesty among one another without having to go through a faculty intermediary
Whereas Summary Recommendation Eleven of the Commission of 125 Report states that “it is vital that students help set and maintain standards of excellence at their own university.” Also states that “every student, faculty member, and staff member should assume individual responsibility for upholding the reputation, values, and academic integrity of the university.”
Whereas Summary (continued) Several comparison schools such as Ohio State University and Baylor University emphasize the importance of, and provide a formal outlet for, direct student reporting of academic dishonesty. SJS will take appropriate action against any student who fails to act with integrity in the process of reporting a case of academic dishonesty.
Resolved Summary SJS should formalize student involvement in the discipline process for academic integrity violations by creating a student reporting form. Advisors and advising bodies should act as optional intermediaries in the student initiated reporting process. The Faculty Council and other representative bodies of the teaching staff should emphasize the importance of reporting cases involving academic dishonesty. And in effect guide those students who have violated academic integrity to develop a personal character with better integrity
Resolved Summary (continued) SJS processes and files incident Faculty is informed Faculty disposition Administrative disposition Report filed Student witnesses academic dishonesty Student witnesses unfair treatment or faculty not following procedure Student experiences bad testing environment Some colleges / programs have their own forms Student talks to advisor or counselo r Talks to class professor or TA/AI Student has options
Resolved Summary (continued) Student Reporting Form (Online or Paper version) SJS processes and files incident Faculty is informed Faculty disposition Administrative disposition Report filed Student witnesses academic dishonesty Student witnesses unfair treatment or faculty not following procedure Student experiences bad testing environment Logs on SJS website Goes to SJS office Some colleges / programs have their own forms Student talks to advisor or counselo r Talks to class professor or TA/AI Student has MORE options Advisor knows more options MORE With more reports, it is easier to identify repeat offenders