My Misunderstanding … Computer is not magical box! (International Communication on High Speed Network) Takatoshi MATSUBARA & GOTO, Yukinori
Conference of Asian Univ. Presidents Sharing the following issues, – Existing value of ASIA in globalized communities. – Role of Univ. in 21 st century. Construct network communities for advance of ASIA beyond countries, on 21 st Century.
Conference of Asian Univ. Presidents 1 st Meeting: 2000 in Fukuoka (5countries) – Chine, Japan, Korea, Thailand, VietNum 2 nd Meeting: 2001 in Fukuoka (13countries) – Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam 3 rd Meeting: 2002 in Pusan
Network Points Project Collaboration of Asian researchers beyond borders – University – Academic field – Country Promoting international exchange – Academic exchange – Joint research – Student exchange – Various collaborations
The Merits of Network Points Network points would encourage student exchange. It is expected that a pre- interview by home university staff would be conducted at the host university, thus enabling students to increase their motivation as well as providing necessary logistical support for studying abroad. 1. Kyushu University may take into consideration in the award of Japanese Government Scholarships whether students have applied from cooperative universities that have concluded mutual exchange agreements. 2. Network Points would promote a new partnership between cooperative universities in the field of education and research. 6. Network Points would provide opportunities for promoting international research projects by introducing researchers and providing information to researchers of cooperative universities who plan to engage in joint projects. 3. Network Points would offer a coordinating function for encouraging partnerships with industry or local government in order to foster a strong research environment in the Asia region. 5. Network Points would provide opportunities for promoting interdisciplinary research projects to researchers who are already engaged in such projects and by supporting proposals to formalize new interdisciplinary research groups. 4.
Network Point Project Joined 12 countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam, Japan
Network Point Project
Further Collaboration Remote learning (e-learning) Continuing education Common curriculum Joint degree
Knowledge of Internet Magical Box All around tool for Communication Anyway, Anytime, Anywhere, Everybody Really?
Misunderstanding Currently Internet has firewall. – Cann't free access to other networks. Computer operation is difficult. – Not magical Box Can not assure voice and video quality. – Not assure the Netmeeting qualities. – Problem of network bandwidth.
Issue of International e- Lerning Investigte computer environments of target Universities. – Operating System. – Language – Network Environment Research E-lernning Tools for Multi-language.
Request for Genkai Project Give me … – Communication Tools – E-Learning Tools – Etc,
My Contents Show my lecture video. – Historical approach to Korean culture.
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