Richard Baraniuk Sidney Burrus Don Johnson Rice University The Signal Processing Education Network James McClellan Justin Romberg Georgia Institute of Technology Mark Yoder Wayne Padgett Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Ricardo von Borries Patricia Nava Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Lisa Petrides, Cynthia Jimes, Clare Morensen ISKME
crises in SP education Sequential and inflexible textbooks –sequential presentation misleads and bores students –current textbooks not customizable Static and inefficient content development models –textbooks and other learning materials take years to develop and get to market Passive student experience –studies show most undergraduates passively listen, transcribe, absorb, and repeat in course after course Missing components –most textbooks do not have enough support material to reach diverse audiences Inaccessible –textbook costs rising 2-4x faster than inflation
our response Signal Processing Education Network (SPEN) 1.A new framework and platform for SP education based on –Connexions:open access e-textbook system –Lablets:interactive visualizations and simulations –Q/A database:for assessing student learning progress 2.A growing community of concerned SP educators supported by the NSF CI-Team program
Connexions SPQR/QuA D Q/A databases signal processing education network interactive Lablets community Focus peer review system
Connexions Sidney Burrus Rice University
open educational resources The Open Educational Resource (OER) movement was inspired by the Open Source movement in software Information is freely usable, re-usable, re-mixable, modifiable, etc. Creative Commons license makes content both safe and easy to share
Connexions ( Non-profit educational platform founded in 1999 Innovative authoring and publishing environment All materials free on-line (web, PDF, ePub for iPad) All materials low-cost in print Modular:1000 e-textbooks built from modules Worldwide usage: 2+ million users per month Content and translations in 40+ languages
9 Authors Module Instructors Students Course, book Ideas, information Repository
books vs. on-line use Books from Connexions: Personalized, on-demand printing, up-to-date, inexpensive, collaboratively authored, allows pre and post publication review, never “ out of print ”, “ Long tail ” publications, content for eBooks, one button to buy printed book On-Line use of Connexions: Allows modern pedagogy: concept-based, problem solving-based, discovery-based learning. Dynamic, interactive, linked, adapts to learning style, student and author driven, allows “assessment and evaluation ”, Virtual Labs
55 faculty adoptions across USA in customized versions in CNX Approved by California Free Digital Textbook Initiative (met 19/19 standards) free online: 2 million uses to date iPad/iPhone/Android via ePub $26.31 in print (627 pages)
12 strong core of SP content stanford illinois michigan wisconsin berkeley ohio state rose-hulman ga tech utep rice cambridge south africa vietman …
14 Connexions in Spanish DSPanish
Lenses Sidney Burrus Rice University
quality control must be scalable peer review exclusive community inclusive
lenses social software for quality control inspiration: johnDoe
IEEE-SPS/CNX lens committee Subcommittee of the SPED technical committee –Roxana Saint-Nom (chair) –Richard Baraniuk –Sidney Burrus –Woon Seng Gan –Roger Green –Douglas Jones –Wayne Padgett –Jon Thorn –Doug Williams –Min Wu –Mark Yoder
administrative management system for the IEEE-SPS lens akin to Manuscript Central, etc.
Interactive Lablets Sidney Burrus Rice University Mark Yoder, Wayne Padgett Ross Hulman Institute of Technology
interactivity see do
interactivity see do
semantic / active content Mathematics Markup Language (MathML)
interactive lablets Interactive simulations that enhance learning and teaching Enable learning to visualize, process, and interact hands-on Encourage exploration of SP topics Make abstract ideas more concrete Easily integrated into Connexions Easy to develop using LabVIEW, Mathematica, Matlab, JDSP, …
Q/A Databases James McClellan Georgia Institute of Technology
Q/A databases Signal Processing Question and Response (SPQR) system at Georgia Tech: over 1200 solved problems Question/Answer data base (QuADbase) at Rice QTI markup compatible with learning management systems and Connexions Track student performance through courses and across curricula Under development: SP intelligent tutoring system
SPQR Please add gratuitous screen shot of SPQR
QuAD: question/answer database
Get Involved!
get involved! Contribute a module/collection to Connexions at –new material or out-of-print textbook –LaTeX, MS Word, OpenOffice Contribute an interactive lablet to Contribute a problem and solution to SPQR at or QuAD at Volunteer to peer-evaluate materials at Participate in the first SPEN workshop at Rice University in Houston on 23 February 2011 –contact Richard Baraniuk,
Richard Baraniuk