We want to connect to All Universities in Korea Koji OKAMURA
Core Network Configuration KOREN AS9270 QGPOP AS2523 APAN-JP AS7660 SINET AS2907 Kyushu U AS2508
We got High Speed Internet between JP and KR QGPOP AS2523 APAN-JP AS7660 SINET AS2907 Kyushu U AS2508 HYU SNU PNU KNU U Tokyo Osaka U Kyoto U KEK KOREN AS9270 Remote Lecture using DVTS Transporting High Energy Physics Experiment Data
We found Some(?) Universities/Institutes are not connect to KOREN QGPOP AS2523 APAN-JP AS7660 SINET AS2907 Kyushu U AS2508 KOREN AS9270 Ewha DACOM as3786 KDDIIIJ KT-NET as4766 SKKU Sogang US POSTECH
How to connect to All Universities/Institutes in Korea shortly? QGPOP AS2523 APAN-JP AS7660 SINET AS2907 Kyushu U AS2508 KOREN AS9270 Ewha DACOM as3786 KT-NET as4766 SKKU Sogang US POSTECH 2. Is KOREN connected to these commercial ISP? 3. Is it possible to transit over KOREN to Kyushu Area ? 4. How about speed? 1. Will they connect to KOREN ?
Thank you!!