Mobile phone payment for e- commerce Supervisor Dr Robert Goodwin
Overview Traditional payment methods Mobile payment Literature review Connection technologies The current payment system Security Survey Emulation
Payment Traditional payment methods: Payment by cash Payment by debit/credit card Payment by cheque What is mobile payment, e-commerce?--POS Why do we go for mobile payment? Easy purchase anywhere-no wallet-alternative
Literature review How can mobile phones be used for electronic payments? Research Questions: 1.Will the mobile phone have stored cash in it or linked to a credit card or bank account? 2.What are the factors of traditional payment system that slows down the expansion of mobile payment services? 3.Security is an important consideration. 4. Infrastructure of shops
Connection Technology SMS -Text messaging WAP/GPRS -Secure connection Bluetooth -Wireless technology-exchanging data –short distance IR -point to point RFID -microSD-NFC
Comparison of Connection Technology Connection technology CostSecurityData transfer rate Data Storage GSMNo extra costLess secureSlowSIM memory SMSExtra costNo complete encryption-less secure SlowSIM/phone memory WAP/GPRSMinimal extra cost 265 bit encrypted SSLFastNo memory used BluetoothNo extra costMore security threatFastNo memory used IRNo extra costsecureFastSIM/phone memory RFIDNo extra costLess secureFastSIM memory used.
Current payment System PRSMS-digital content Telstra Pay for Parking’, ‘dial a coke ‘ PayBox –Germany CasPad-Bluetooth Smart card solutions- PayPass and Felica South Korea’s SK Telecom
Security Factors: Authentication Authorization Confidential Integrity Non-repudiation
Survey Survey Questions: Current mode of payment at POS Secure?? Have u made payments before? Like to use mobile? Other purposes?
Survey Results
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