Accounts management system
User Management Facility to create multiple users for the entire operations Rights of the user can be created and defined Users can be suspended at any point of time Back Up Dual backup system Data can be saved locally in the C drive, which can be extracted in case of system format. Data can be kept and saved at cloud server, in the event of virus or complete system crash; data can be restored from cloud server.
Grade master- employ can be assigned to different grades Salary code- multiple Salary code can be created pertaining to different grades. Salary is processed automatically.
Applicable to all the fees that is common to all the students of a particular batch, e.g Tuition fees, Development charges etc Fixed fees of a particular batch can be assigned for different months. Like Development fee is charged only in the month of April or examination fees is charged twice in the month of Aug and Feb. Fees can be altered at any point of time.
Applicable to fees that are charged to different students in a particular batch, e.g Activity fees, Excursion fees. Variable fees are assigned for different months Fess can be altered at any point of time.
Print generated from the same screen in case of cash payment For credit purchase, amount is added to the fees of that particular student.
Complete database of all the students with their pick up point, drop point, pick up time, route, drop time, vehicle details etc. Fees are set according to pick up point. Transport management can be operated separately or with fees software.
Facility to set either fixed amount or percentage Discount can be set against any or many of the various fixed as well as variable headers for a particular student. Discount can be assigned on a monthly basis Discount can be discontinued from the software at any point of time. ( cannot be altered or removed for a month, if the fees for that month has already been taken) Unlike discount which is set for predefined case, real time concession can also be entertained.
Manual as well as automatic receipt number Students can be searched either from the batch or with the admission number Option to collect fees for multiple months Option to pay fees of choice, like a parent is not paying fees for stationary or transport. Multiple pending Provision to charge fine. Single window shows what is to be collected what is the previous pending and which month to be charged. Receipt is generated from the software itself. SMS is generated once the fees is paid ( Provided there is internet connection)
Expenses can be categorized under General ledger or sub ledgers.
Collection report can be sorted out for any particular date or any particular date ranges Report consist of all the headers both fixed as well as variable Helps in generating reports for different charges like, Transport or Stationary etc. User wise collection can also be obtained Total collection for a particular month can be obtained All the students with pending amount can be obtained at point of time.
Activity FrequencyPerform byMonitor byModeTarget Fees Receipt Whenever the fee deposited Accountant SMSParents Collection DailyAccountant/ERPHead officeSMS Chairman, Admin Expenses DailyAccountant/ERPHead officeSMS Chairman, Admin Account Summery Monthly 7 th -10 th Head OficeHead office MAIL/ SMS Chairman, Admin Defaulter Intimation 14 th and 24thERPHead officeSMSParents Defaulter Intimation 27th Call CentreHead officeCALL Parents Defaulter Intimation 7 th -10 th 18 th -20 th 28 th -30 th ERPHead offic Admin, Principal Defaulter Amount Intimation weekly ERP Head officeSMS Principal, Admin
Salient Features:- Single application for fees collection, Purchase and inventory management, Sales, transport, Payroll. All the modules are integrated Headers are static and can be altered at any point of time. Variable discount options Hybrid system, Offline and online, Integrated with one another SMS facility integrated at defaulter, both fees as well as Transport Facility to view Transport defaulter- route wise. Dual back up – online as well as offline Daily intimation of, collection, expenses, pending- SMS Transparent system, managed through multiple logins.