Turning The Corner? Dennis Turner UK ECONOMY : 2013 AND BEYOND Chilworth Partnership Conference Chilworth Manor Hotel, Southampton 2 nd May nd May 2013
A deep recession
The growth shortfall Annual GDP growth forecasts in each Budget
…means more borrowing Public sector net borrowing (£bn)
…and higher debt levels Public sector net debt:
Legacy issues Legacy issues
Consumers were the driving force
But underpinned by borrowing
The big household squeeze Inflation
The big household squeeze Inflation Earnings
The big household squeeze Inflation Earnings
Unemployment stubbornly high Unemployment rate (R axis) Number 000s
A difficult consumer environment
Surge in public sector borrowing Surge in public sector borrowing
Government finances weakened
So net debt (as a % of GDP) soared Sustainable Investment Rule Budget Statement, March 2013
Govt receipts and spending Budget Statement, March 2013
Eurozone fragility Eurozone fragility
In the wrong places Share of UK exports (goods & services):
Getting the debt down
Imbalances: the key to debt Current account balances
ECB now behaving like a central bank
All sticks and no carrots GDP growth
Inflation – above target Target Range
Inflation – likely to ease Forecast Target Range
Interest rates to stay low Forecast
So sterling to remain competitive Sterling weaker US$ / £ (L axis) euro / £ (R axis ) Forecast
GDP (100%) = Consumer spending (64%) Where is growth coming from?
Real earnings growing again
Debt repayment underway Household debt:income ratios
A slow consumer recovery Forecast
GDP (100%) = Consumer spending (64%) + Investment (15%) Where is growth coming from?
Corporate sector in good shape Profitability Operating surplus and profitability of UK private non-financial companies
…but not spending Level of investment (R axis) Investment by Private Non-financial Corporations
Investment to pick up……at last Business Investment Forecast – OBR 2013
GDP (100%) = Consumer spending (64%) + Investment (15%) + Government spending (23%) Where is growth coming from?
Getting the deficit down
GDP (100%) = Consumer spending (64%) + Govt consumption (23%) + Investment (15%) + Net trade (-2%) (Exports 30% – Imports 32%) Where is growth coming from?
Trade becomes a plus for growth Annual export growth (% RHS) Annual import growth (% RHS)
Turning the corner
Sluggish growth as good as it gets Forecast