Museum Entrance Room 1: Currency Room 2: Food Room 4: History Room 3: LanguageIreland Curator’s Offices Thank You!!!
Curator’s Office Contact me at: Hello! Welcome to the “Ireland Museum”. Each room features a different aspect of information relating to Ireland. Room 1 is Currency, Room 2 is Food, Room 3 is Language and Room 4 is History. I hope you enjoy your time at the museum and if you have ANY questions, feel free to ask! Stephanie Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry
Room 1 Return to EntryCurrency
Room 2 Return to EntryFood
Room 3 Return to EntryLanguage
Room 4 Return to EntryHistory
money-c The Republic of Ireland uses the euro and Northern Ireland still uses the pound sterling. Conversions: 1 USD = EUR 5 USD = EUR 10 USD= EUR 1 USD = British pounds sterling 5 USD = British pounds sterling 10 USD = British pounds sterling Used to find currency equivalences: Return to Exhibit Currency
ireland/ The two most popular dishes of Ireland are Corned Beef with Cabbage and Irish Stew. Most traditional Irish foods use simple, basic and cheap ingredients, a reminder of the fact that they originated in a less affluent past. Many have been given a modern twist by a new generation of chefs or incorporated into dishes that better suit the tastes of a more widely travelled population. Return to Exhibit Food
There are a number of languages used in Ireland. Irish is the main language to have originated from within the island, while others have been introduced through foreign settlements. Since the late nineteenth century, English has been the predominant first language. A large minority claims some ability to use Irish, even though it is the first language only for a small percentage of the population. Within the Republic of Ireland, under the Constitution of Ireland, both languages have official status, with Irish being the national and first official language. Return to Exhibit Language
Relics from the Stone Age lead to the conclusion that Ireland is 8,000 years old, the first settlers probably traveling from Scandinavia to Scotland (at that time England was still linked by land to northern Europe) then across what was a narrow sea gap to Ireland. These early settlers beame the Tribes of Firbolg and Tuatha De Dannann when they were invaded by the Milesius of Spain around 1,000 B.C.. After the Bronze Age and during the Iron Age around 400 A.D., brought about new technologies. By the mid-16 century, the first plantation policy took effect which led to redistribution of wealth and suppression of Catholicism. Farms lands were confiscated from Catholics and given to Protestant settlers. By the mid-17th century Charles Cromwell and his puritan forces supervised revengful destruction of key parts of Ireland, leaving the Irish resistance in shambles. In 1690 Protestant William of Organge beat his father-in-law, James II, over succession of the British throne. In 1800 the Irish parliament was abolished forming the Act of Union which was the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland. Return to Exhibit History
All images taken from Google Images I hope you all enjoyed your day at the museum and learned some new information! Tell your friends and family about us! Thanks again! Return to Exhibit Thank You and Come Again!