NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE "Brinning together education, research and innovation through Center of Modern Machiens and Thechnologies“ Vice-Rector for Science, Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Maksym Melnychuk NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE
NUBiP of Ukraine – national university of research type According to the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from October 30 th, 2008, № 945 NAUU was renamed into National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and got a research status. According to the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from February 03 rd, 2010, № 76 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine confirmed the status of autonomous (self- managed) higher educational establishment.
Strategy for development NUBiP of Ukraine Education system Research System System of STP Achievements Introduction Production Sphere Education system Research System System of Innovation Activity Production Sphere Educational and Research Institutes, Centers Faculties Departments Colleges Educational and Research Farms Technical Schools SRIs, SRCs, Scientific Department Problem Laboratories Research Stations Doctoral Studies PhD Courses Scientific and Innovation Units Information Supply Consulting Units Self Financing Innovation Units International Innovation Units Kyiv Territorial Center of NUBiP of Ukraine (Center of researches, education and innovations Regional: Educational and Research Institutes Educational Institutes Regional Colleges, Technical Schools Scientific and Innovation Structural Units Typical scheme of interaction between educational, scientific and service kinds of University activity till 1995 Formation of independent HEE with the integrated activities of its structural units Elaboration of the system of management of University activities according to the principles of education, scientific and production corporation (concern)
Nowadays in NUBiP of Ukraine: More than students (including more than students in Kyiv Territorial Center): junior specialist (in production units of NUBiP of Ukraine); bachelors ( including in PU NUBiP of Ukraine); specialists (including in PU NUBiP of Ukraine); masters of science (including 328 in PU NUBiP of Ukraine); foreign students 60 postgraduate student 560 ; doctoral candidate 29 Dynamic of students contingent
Dynamics of University academic work Years Indices Number of: - faculties departments specialties Number of students, thousands
Nowadays University provides training of specialists according to educational and qualification levels: Junior Specialist in 30 specialties (in PU NUBiP of Ukraine) Bachelor in 28 specialties (16 - in PU NUBiP of Ukraine) Specialist in 26 specialties and more than 50 specializations (15 - in PU NUBiP of Ukraine) Master of Science in 38 specialties and more than 100 specializations ( 9 – in SA NUBiP of Ukraine “CATU”) Training of Scientific and Pedagogic Staff PhDsin 68 specialties Doctors of Sciencesin 64 specialties NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE
Dynamics of personal potential (on university complex) Years Categories Doctors and Professors: - staff - by-worker PhD and Associate Professors: - staff - by-worker Academicians of NAS of Ukraine Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine Members of State Branch Academies of Sciences of Ukraine Corresponding members of State Branch Academies of Sciences of Ukraine Total EPP
Results of Restructuring the University Scientifics Activities List of Restructuring Parameters Scientific-Research Institutions--16 Problem Scientific-Research Laboratory Scientific-Research Stations333 Scientific-Innovation Subdivisions--121 Finance of ERD 1300,0 thousand of karbovanets 9452,5 million karbovanets 18580,1 thousand grivna Specfunds of ERD 1385,4 thousand of karbovanets 3434,3 million karbovanets 3702,6 thousand grivna
Results of Restructuring the University Scientifics Activities List of parameters of reformation Quantity of SRI0016 Quantity of problematic laboratories01822 Quantity of post-graduate students Quantity of doctoral candidates01626 Quantities of specialties which NUBIP provides training of post- graduates students in Quantities of specialties which NUBIP provides training of doctoral candidates in Percentage of timely defenses of post-graduate students 3257,565 Percentage of timely defenses of doctoral candidates 05071,4 Quantity of specialized academic councils 5820 Quantity of obtained patents Quantity of textbooks and manuals Quantity of monographies Scientific and innovative subdivisions 0527
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE 1. Natural and Humanitarian. 2. Agrothecnologies and Quality of Plant Production. 3. Technologies and Quality of Animal and Fishery Products. 4. Animal Health. 5. Economics and Management of Agro-Industrial Production. 6. Technics and Technologies. 7. Electroenergetics systems. 8. Forestry and Decorative Gardening. 9. Ecobiotechnologies and bioenergetics. 10. Land Use and Juridical Regulation of Property and Land Relationships 11.Ukrainian RPI of Standartization and Technologies of Ecosafe and Organic Products. 12.State Regulation and Deliberative Activities in AIC. 13. Ukrainian ESI of Informational and Telecommunication Supply of Agri- Industrial and Nature-Protection Fields of Economy. 14. Ukrainian ERIof Agricultural Radiology. 15. Seed Production (SA «CАТU») 16. Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products From 2001 to 2009 at University were created 16 Scientific-Research and Scientific-Innovation Institutes
Problematic Scientific-Research Laboratories Genetics of animal and plant productivity - Complex accounting of forestry raw materials resources and forestry usage - plant science - Bioconversion and organic wastes - Integrated protection of leguminous crops from pests - Quality and certification of agricultural products - Infection pathology of newborn animals - Season prediction of pests reproduction and productivity of winter wheat - Biological methods protection of agricultural plants from pests - Pathology of metabolism and nature resistance of animals - Reproduction of soil fertility - Development of diagnostic methods, treatment and prophylaxis of animal micotoxicosis - Biologically active substanceу in veterinary medicine - Quality control of feed and agricultural products - regulation of functions and metabolism in domestic animals - Genetics and sheep selection -- Management and marketing on different level of AIC - Genetics of animal and plant productivity - Complex accounting of forestry raw materials resources and forestry usage - plant science - Optimization of nutrition and bioconversion in agroecosystems management - Mycology and phytopathology - Phitovirology and biotechnologies - Fodder additives - Fertilize - Biochemistry of animal dormancy - Internal non-contagious of animals disease - Physiology and experimental animal pathology - Veterinary microbiology, virology and immunobiotechnologies - Animal micotoxicosis - Thermal motor and alternative fuel - Systems of exact agriculture - Problems of reliability improvement and effectiveness of AIC electroequipment - Selection of berry and fruit crops and technology of their growing - Labor motivation in agriculture - Use of computer technologies in the educational process - Soil protection and its rational use - Comparative and functional morphology of vertebrates - Biological plant protection Number of Problematic Scientific-Research Laboratories
Scientific and Research Stations Agronomic Research Station IS of NUBiP of Ukraine “Agronomic Research Station ” Boyarka Forestry Research Station IS of NUBiP of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station ” Research Station of Meat Breeding Research Station of Meat Breeding (today – Educational and Research Farm “Vorzel”) Scientific Research Station of Mountain Forestry and Horticulture NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE
Financing of Educational and Research Activity Years Indexes 1984 ( thousand of UAH) 1994 ( thousand of UAH) 2009 ( thousand of UAH) Financing of Educational and Research Activity 1300,09452,518580,1 Special funds for Educational and Research Activity 1385,43434,33702,6 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE
Dynamics of the international activity indexes Year Indexes Agreement of collaboration81973 Participation in the exchange program (people) International projects41855 Memorandums of mutual recognition of educational systems --5 Participation in the international conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc. (people) Students’ training, including practical, abroad (people) Programs of obtaining double diploma--6 Training of foreign students (people) Participation in different international organizations -111
NUBiP of Ukraine has Memoranda of Mutual Recognition of Educational Systems with the following universities: Iowa State University (USA), 1998; Louisiana State University (USA), 1998, (in 2009 the Memorandum were renewed); Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany), 2002; Ghent University (Belgium), 2002; Wageningen University (Netherlands), 2006.
International Master Programmes International Master Programmes with possibility to obtain Double Diploma of NUBiP of Ukraine and foreign partner university Double Diploma Master Programme “Process and Quality Management” with Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany). Master Programme “Environment Protection”, “Bioeconomics” and “Biotechnologies” with Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Academic programme “International Bio-Business” in Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan). Master Programme students, who are studying according to the programme Masters of Business Administration in Agriculture (MBA) receive Master Diploma of NUBiP and Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Programme Master of Food and Agribusiness (MFA) of Anhalt University (Germany).