Hello!!! My name is…….. …..Stella Politou!!!
A lot of us feel badly for the way with which we are obligated to live : all day we sit in front of an office with stress, eating prepared meals with fatties. We can live better with small changes of our habits, so we can be and look, healthy and beautiful.
You moved as more you can The better is all of us to occupy systematically with a sport or to be registered in a program of a gym. Twenty minutes gymnastic of moderate tension, for three or four times the week are provided for keeping our fit nice.
Doing sports: The body becomes more beautiful and strong. It helps the people not being anxious and stressed. The person can have a better mood, behavior
What we can do: You take care of your diet -We must consume the food in moderation Like milk, yoghourt etc. -We must eat low fatty foods! -Little sweets and snacks. -Not eat too much, poor in quantity but rich in quality. -We must eat all kind of tastes because their elements are necessary for our organism. -Not butter but more olive oil. -Not too much meat but the necessary. -Roasted food not a lot of boiled food -We must share our food, eating five times in a day. -Always you must eat breakfast -We must eat at least 3 hours before we will go to bed.
If you have free time do activities like gardening, go for a walk with your dog, go from the steps not with the lift, play outside with the children etc…
Dont smoke Dont drink alkohol Think positively. The optimism and the positive thought help our good fitness. Dedicate to yourselves beautiful and relax moments, like take a warm bath, walk beside the river or the sea or the park, read a book, visit a friend, play with your dog, listen to music, see a movie etc…
You drink a lot of water You must drink eight with ten glasses water for a day.
Thank you!!!!!!! I also thank my friends Lilia and Julia for their help! The information are taken from the internet in an article.