The Role of Development Projects in Conservation of Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction
53 protected areas hectares ( terrestrial and marine) Approximately 11% of the national..territory Colombian National Natural Parks System
¿What does it represent for the country? Supplies 60% of the countrys freshwater. Supplies 70% of hydro-electric plants. Tourist destination: visitors in the past two years. Climate regulation. PARQUES NACIONALES NATURALES DE COLOMBIA
Ecosystems 28 of 41 biogeographic districts of the country. 40% of the 58 unique local biodiversity centers. 12% of wet and dry refugia in Latin America. 2 of the most important biodiversity hotspots: Biogeographic Chocó and Amazon Forests. Includes the most important biological refugia for fauna and flora. PARQUES NACIONALES NATURALES DE COLOMBIA