Curriculum Directors April 10, Key provisions under the Chapter 4 proposal as adopted by the State Board of Education
I. Pa Common Core Standards II. Elimination of State-prescribed Strategic Plan III. School Board Approval/Public Notification IV. High School Graduation Requirements V. Keystone Exams VI. Alternate Pathways for CTC students VII. Parental Opt-out VIII. Project Requirement for Opt-out Students IX. Student Transcripts X. Course Test-out Option XI. Out of State Transfer Students XII. Supplemental Instruction XIII. Retaking Keystone Exams XIV. Project Based Assessment XV. Waivers for 12 th Grade Students
I. PA Common Core Standards Requires full implementation of the PA Common Core in English Language Arts, Mathematics, by July 1, 2013 Includes Common Core Standards in Reading and writing in Science and Technology and Reading and Writing in History and Social Studies
II. Elimination of state-prescribed Strategic Plan Superintendents should realize that it is not an elimination of planning requirements, but rather the development of targeted plans aligned to the required elements with the CP. The current requirement for districts is to complete state- prescribed strategic planning every six years is removed. There is a 28-day public inspection and comment period prior to school board adoption for the remaining six required plans: 1.Teacher Induction 2.Student Services 3.Gifted Education 4.Professional Development 5.Special Education 6.Pre-kindergarten (if the school offers it)
III. School Board Approval/Public Notification High school graduation requirements and any revisions must be approved by the board of school directors Within six months of the effective date of the new Chapter 4 revisions, school boards are required to adopt new high school graduation requirements. Schools must provide a copy to: Students Parents and guardians Available in school buildings Posted to the school’s website
IV. High School Graduation Requirements Class of 2017 – Course completion and grades – Demonstration of proficiency in each of the state standards not assessed by a state assessment – Required proficiency in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams Class of 2019 – Students also have to pass a Composition Keystone Exam Class of 2020 – Students also have to pass a Keystone Exam in Civics and Government
V. Keystone Exams Will be developed in five content areas for graduation purposes: Literature, Algebra I, Biology, Composition, and Civics and Government – Literature, Algebra I, and Biology will serve a dual purpose as both graduation and for state level accountability Will replace PSSA exams given in 11 th grade beginning Biology Keystone will be used as the high school level science assessment (not used to determine AYP) Plan will be fully realized in 2016 when PDE will use the grade 11 enrollment population for measuring AYP
V. Keystone Exams continued Since students will be taking these exams at various points between grades 7-11, PDE is defining the population as all Keystone Test Takers in grades 9, 10, and 11. Students in grades 8 and below will be banked by the department. Students in grades 9-11 in this current school year who take relevant courses will take the Keystone Exams for AYP purposes only.
V. Keystone Exams continued Other Keystone Exams for voluntary use: Five additional Keystones will be developed by PDE for voluntary use by districts: 1.Geometry in History in Algebra II in Chemistry in World History in
VI. Alternate pathways for CTC students New provisions will allow two alternate pathways Keystone or Pennsylvania Skills Assessment (NOCTI exam) to meet the requirements for testing in Composition and Civics & Governments Students who did not demonstrate proficiency on the Biology Keystone Exam may participate in a PBA without having to take the Keystone twice. These pathways relate to graduation requirements. Students are required to take Keystone Exams for state accountability
VII. Parental Opt-out Parents have a right to review assessment two weeks prior to administration of the test In asserting a religious objection to the assessment a Parent/Guardian must explain their objection in their written request
VIII. Project requirement for opt-out students Students must take project-based assessment for each subject area required for graduation
IX. Student transcripts PSSA scores will continue to be included – the performance level not score for each Keystone will be included Transcript will designate if level was achieved by Keystone or PBA
X. Course test-out options Can take a Keystone prior to taking the associated course if student had an advanced score on the most recent associated PSSA With a student who transfers in from another state also may take a Keystone Exam prior to taking a course provided the student has achieved a comparable score to the PSSA’s advanced level.
XI. Out of state transfer students Schools determine proficiency based on coursework and assessments aligned with the academic standards assessed by a Keystone Exam to satisfy graduation requirements – Subject to guidance developed by the secretary and approved by the State Board of Education
XII. Supplemental instruction Must participate in supplemental instruction for non proficient scores prior to re-taking the Keystone/module – Must be consistent with the educational program – Schools must continue providing supplemental instruction either until the student demonstrates proficiency in the subject area or until the student begins participating in a project-based assessment.
XIII. Retaking Keystone Exams No limit on the number of times a student can retake the exam or the exam module so long as the student receives supplemental instruction A student who scores proficient or advanced is not permitted to retake the test.
XIV. Project Based Assessment For students who are unable to demonstrate proficiency on an exam or an exam module or whose parents opted them out of taking a Keystone Exam. Will be developed for: – Literature – Algebra I – Biology – Composition – Civics and Government Administered by schools and scored by statewide panels Successful completion satisfies high school graduation requirements 12 th graders may move to PBAs after just one unsuccessful attempt
XV. Waivers for 12 th grade students Secretary of Education may waive graduation requirements based on a written request from the chief school administrator on a case-by-case basis for two reasons: 1.A senior unsuccessful in completing PBA 2.A student experiencing extenuating circumstances including serious illness, death in immediate family, family emergency, or transfer from an out-of-state school in grade 12. The waiver request would certify that the student – has met the school’s local requirement for graduation – has not demonstrated proficiency on a Keystone Exam or module – has participated in satisfactory manner in supplemental instruction services – Has not successfully completed a PBA