Jan. 19 th 2012
DART STATEMENTS I can identify the weight of the Explore test on K- PREP. I understand my responsibility or role with the preparation of the Explore Math test. I understand the design of the Explore Math test. I can create Explore type questions in my classroom !
But I do not teach 7 th Grade! 6 th grade teachers can help prepare students by also practicing Explore type questions in their instruction.
But I do not teach 7 th Grade! 8 th grade teachers do not have much of a role in the preparation of the Explore test, since the test is taken at the very beginning of the students 8 th grade year. However, 8 th grade teachers can help by announcing the upcoming test, reviewing test format and even practicing some sample test questions at the beginning of the year. After the test 8 th grade teachers need to Review the scores and complete ILP Interventions for those who did not meet Benchmark scores.
The Math Test The EXPLORE Math Test measures mathematical reasoning. The test focuses on ability to reason in math rather than on how well students have memorized formulas or can do involved computations.
THE MATH TEST Questions on the test cover four areas knowledge and skills direct application understanding concepts- and integrating your understanding of concepts in pre-algebra, elementary algebra, geometry, and statistics and probability.
Time is the students greatest enemy! 30 minutes for 30 questions = 1 minute per question Practice timed test in your classroom! This will help with the Explore test next Fall, but it will also help with the upcoming K-PREP!
Let’s check this book out! ORGANIZATION General Success Strategies Specific Content Area Test Strategies and Examples Practice Test
IN REVIEW The weight of the Explore Test in K-Prep is 16%! All 7 th grade teachers will be implementing Explore type questions twice a week! All 8 th grade teachers will announce, review, and practice some sample Explore type questions at the beginning of each school year! One Explore prep book will be distributed to each team leader. One book will be kept in my office for check out.