Temperature of the past Ice Age cycle:
Temperatures of the past interglacial:
Temperatures of the Medieval warm period:
14 m > 45 ft! Temperature of the past Ice Age cycle:
Vostock data:
Arctic topo map:
Atlantic Currents:
Global ocean circulation:
Map of Antarctica:
Dome C:
Mollewide projection:
Robinson Projection: SW.jpg
Winkel Tripel projection: ection_SW.jpg
Photos of aurorae, like
Solar activity, like:
Earth’s magnetic field, like:
Solar wind interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere, like:
Aurora band from space (NASA):
Core columns of Geodynamo: pg
Field from bar magnet, like:
Bar magnet and iron filings, like:
North and South magnetic poles, like:
Moving North magnetic pole, like:
Moving South magnetic pole, like:
Earth with bar magnet, and field lines, going from South Pole to North Pole, like:
Global ocean circulation map:
Atmospheric circulation, with no rotation, like:
Atmospheric circulation, WITH rotation, like:
Photo of Artic Ice Cap, like:
Map of continental shelves (I made this):
Photo of fjord, like:
Photo or map of Chesapeake Bay, like:
Persian Gulf, Bathymetry (I made this):
Ice Core photos, like:
Ice Core segment, like:
Concordia station at Dome C, like: