Out Of Home / Outdoor JOMC 170
OOH - Out Of Home All advertising specifically intended to reach consumers outside the home.
Outdoor The term refers to any form of media that carries advertising messages to consumer audiences outside the home. Outdoor products are divided among four categories: billboards, street furniture, transit and alternative.
Billboard Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances, generally more than 50 feet.
Billboard formats 8-Sheet Posters 30-Sheet Posters (Paper) 30-Sheet Wrapped Posters 30-Sheet Wrapped Square Posters Bulletins Digital Outdoor Media Spectaculars Wall Murals
Bulletin The largest standardized outdoor format, typically measuring 14' x 48' in overall size. Sold either as permanent displays or in rotary packages.
Effen bulletin
Dogs rule bulletin with extension
Street furniture Advertising displays, many that provide a public amenity, positioned at close proximity to pedestrians for eye-level viewing or at a curbside to impact vehicular traffic.
Street furniture formats Bicycle Rack Displays Bus Bench Advertising Bus Shelter Panels Convenience Store Displays In-Store Displays Kiosks: Information Kiosks: Telephone Newsstands and Newsracks One-Sheet Posters Pedestrian Panels Shopping Mall Displays Sun Shelter Displays & Beach Panels Urban Panels
Zoo Bus Shelter
Transit displays Displays affixed to moving vehicles or in the common areas of transit terminals and stations.
Transit display formats Airport Terminal Displays Exterior Bus Posters Interior Bus Cards Subways and Rapid Transit Rail Systems Taxicabs Truckside Advertising
Deadwood Transit Interior wrap of the Times Square Shuttle Train to resemble a Western Saloon.
Outdoor formats that do not fall into the categories of: billboards, street furniture or transit. Most alternative media is used to create customized solutions for advertisers.
Alternative formats Airborne Displays Barrier Poles Blimps & Custom Inflatables Carton & Cup Advertising Confection Packaging Digital Displays Dry Cleaning Bags Gas Nozzle Advertising Golf Cart Advertising Golf Tee Divider Advertising Marine Vessel Displays Parking Garage Advertising Parking Meters Place-Based Displays Postcard Advertising Rest Area Panels Ski Area Displays Stadium & Arena Displays ・ Trash Receptacle Panels Turnstile Advertising Vending Cart Umbrellas
Mini Alternative
Also called DEC. The estimated number of persons passing an outdoor location on an average day.
The average number of persons passing and potentially exposed to an advertising display for either –12 hours (unilluminated - 6:00am to 6:00pm) –18 hours (illuminated - 6:00am to 12:00 midnight).
The sum of impressions registered against a target audience based on a GRP level of days or weeks in a schedule.
The total number of impressions delivered by a media schedule expressed as a percentage of a market population. One rating point represents a circulation equal to 1% of the market population.
25 GRP Rotary Bulletin