GET UP AND MOVE Get Up and Move Ann King, Karen Harrell, Melanie Lazarus START Personal Programs /Podcasts Programs /Podcasts FlipFlip and Video Cameras Video Digital Cameras Student Products Equipment Internet Resources Out of the Box Games Suggested Websites Marketing ? questions
Personal Programs Podcasts Research appropriate exercises – know heart rate goals and needs Select music that provides the appropriate beat Use garage band to mix and save for itouch/ipods/mp3 players SAMPLE 1 WHY ?!?!?!?! Individual Unique Editable by students Life long learning Assessment of students
Flip and Video Cameras Record students for instruction and remediation Student created videos for marketing and sharing information learned Sample AnimotoSample Animoto Student Personal journals Student VB HittingStudent VB Hitting Record student performance Coaching ServeCoaching Serve Recording experts for future reference MinnowMinnow Individual Unique Editable by students Life long learning Motivates students Why?!??!?!
Digital Cameras Record daily experiences – create animotos (1) to share Share photos with parents/friends – wiki’s Internetwiki’sInternet Create projects (Big Huge Labs, PPT, etc with photos)Big Huge Labs, PPT, Individual Unique Editable by students Life long learning Motivates students Assessment of skills Why?!??!?!
WIKI’s Blogs
Student Products Name Tags Veggie FruitVeggie Fruit Mosaics FruitFruit Trading Cards One Two ThreeOne TwoThree Dice/Dice Game one twoonetwo Individual Unique Created by students Life long learning Motivates students Great Assessment of student knowledge and comprehension Why?!??!?!
Additional Equipment Old TV’s – grab them as they leave the building Connect iTouches, Netbooks, wii’s, and more Wii’s great for exercise Cables, converters Netbooks iTouches personal exercise videos Mac Computers PC Lap tops DVD players External Speakers Microphones Headphones/headsets Watch what other departments are discarding…find a space to store until you find a use
Internet Resources o Keep Current – always research- know sponsors o Know what is available within your network o Convert films using ZAMZAR if necessary zamzarzamzar o Provide links for students at home (wiki) o Be creative of how to integrate the internet with students o NEWEST Finds o QWIKI Qwiki QWIKI o Live Binders livelive o Individual o Unique o Utilized by students o Life long learning o Motivates students Why?!??!?!
QWIKI Live Binders
Suggested Websites…. For Fitness: : Post on Wiki’s and Websites for students to have access to….
Suggested Websites…. For Exercise Connect a mini /laptop to a TV and the students can interact with the websites…. Core links
Marketing Why?!??!?! Keep your name in front of administration PBS Video Canoe TripPBS VideoCanoe Trip Sell your program to students and parents Fortune cookieFortune cookie Funding Tech VideoTech Video Get creative with equipment Utilize software – iMovie, Movie Maker, Animoto Post on Wikis, web pages, send links in e- mail Encourage students to create Make it part of your daily/weekly/monthly routine Publicize in local papers Contact School District personnel
Out of the Box Games Click on this website, click on LEARN TO PLAY NEW GAMES for videos to share new games. Crazy Ball Mat Ball Low Ropes Kayak Lesson GEO Cashing Initiatives Using Music Bounce Ball Variety of Games
Videos Show Your Spirit Year Book Album Challenge Photos