title South Africa © Howard R. Spendelow Georgetown University draft as of 24 Feb 2006
8000 BCE / now
rainfall – c CE
Dutch settlements,
Cape of Good Hope
Trade and conflict between the Khoi and Europeans
Routes of the Great Trek
mining economy – late 19 th c.
Paul Kruger
Alfred Milner
South Africa, 1899
British colonies and Boer Republics
Robert S.S. Baden-Powell
Boer women and children in concentration camp
British soldiers with armed Africans
Africa – late 20 th c.
Young cadets at Mafeking
Cecil John Rhodes ( )
Boer forces at Spionkop, January 1900
Boer guerrillas
Boer women & children in a concentration camp
slaughtering sheep as part of the scorched-earth policy