Optimizing the SPARK TM Program Slicer Ricky E. Sward and Leemon C. Baird III Dept of Computer Science USAF Academy
Overview Background on program slicing SPARK program slicer Glue code Useful SPARK features Proving functional equivalence Optimizations
Previous Work Weiser [1] first defined program slicing –Slicers exist for C and Java –AdaSlicer has been built using ASIS [2] Program slicing is used in –Reengineering [3] –Program understanding –Testing and debugging
Program Slicing A B C E D Foo A B D Foo_D A C E Foo_E
Functional Equivalence Must preserve functionality during slicing Avoid huge test suites Prove mathematically that functionality of original procedure is equivalent to functionality of collection of slices We need some way to “glue” slices back together to prove functional equivalence
SPARK Program Slicer Num_Students Min_Choice Max_Choice Highest_Max Lowest_Min Gather_Summary_Info Increment_Local : Integer := Increment_In; begin Increment_Local := Increment_Local + 1; Increment_Out := Increment_Local; end Gather_Summary_Info_Increment; Increment_In Increment_Out Gather_Summary_Info_Increment Increment Gather_Summary_Info_Highest_Max Gather_Summary_Info_Lowest_Min
Glue Code Increment_Local : Integer := Increment; begin Gather_Summary_Info_Highest_Max( Num_Students, Max_Choice, Highest_Max); Gather_Summary_Info_Lowest_Min( Num_Students, Min_Choice, Lowest_Min); Gather_Summary_Info_Increment( Increment_Local, Increment); end Gather_Summary_Info_Glue; Num_Students Min_Choice Max_Choice Highest_Max Lowest_Min Gather_Summary_Info_Glue Increment
Useful SPARK Features Dynamic storage allocations not allowed –No pointers or dynamic allocation of memory –Can determine which variables are given values in the procedure for slicing No aliasing of variables or parameters –Inputs and outputs of procedures are clearly defined
Useful SPARK Features No recursive procedures –Slicing algorithms for recursive procedures is not defined –Build our proof for non-recursive procedures Limiting statements such as goto... No tasking... No exceptions... No generics...
Proving Functional Equivalence P’ is P with any in/out parameter, X, replaced with X_in and X_out. X_local := X when declared in P’. X_local replaces X in P’. X_out := X_local at end of P’. P 0 is glue procedure Slices called in arbitrary order. X_local := X when declared in P 0. X_local passed to X_in params. X passed to X_out params.
Proving Functional Equivalence Theorem: P 0 is functionally equivalent to P Proof P and P’ will return same outputs given same inputs since SPARK does not allow aliasing. Assume slicing produces correct projection of behavior to produce the output parameter For P’ and P 0 consider the three types of parameters...
Proving Functional Equivalence –The “in” parameters are the same in P’ and P 0 –Each “out” parameter is changed by only one of the slices, thus the same in P’ and P 0 –For “in out” parameters, glue code: First copies parameter X to a local variable, X_local X_local is passed as “in” parameter when needed Original “in out” parameter, X, passed as “out” Only one of the slices will change X Thus, P and P 0 are functionally equivalent QED
Proving Functional Equivalence In English please... P’ and P 0 designed to prevent slices from interfering when called in arbitrary order Not a problem for “in” or “out” parameters P 0 provides original “in” value as needed for any “in out” parameters This means it doesn’t matter when a slice changes the value of an “in out” parameter
Optimizations Examine REF and DEF sets for slices –Use copy-in and copy-out only when needed –Much more efficient for arrays and records Build hash table of changes –Roll back changes between slices
Glue Code Increment_Local : Integer := Increment; begin Gather_Summary_Info_Highest_Max( Num_Students, Max_Choice, Highest_Max); Gather_Summary_Info_Lowest_Min( Num_Students, Min_Choice, Lowest_Min); Gather_Summary_Info_Increment( Increment_Local, Increment); end Gather_Summary_Info_Glue; Num_Students Min_Choice Max_Choice Highest_Max Lowest_Min Gather_Summary_Info_Glue Increment Increment is needed only in one slice, so no need to copy in & copy out
Proving Functional Equivalence P 0 is glue procedure Slices called in arbitrary order. No need to copy in/out parameters. May need to track changes.
Proving Functional Equivalence In English please... P’ and P 0 designed to prevent slices from interfering when called in arbitrary order Not a problem for “in” or “out” parameters With REF/DEF analysis, determine overlap of slice parameters Track changes in hash table if needed This means it doesn’t matter when a slice changes the value of an “in out” parameter
Future Work Possibly slice the SPARK annotations Rewrite SPARKSlicer in SPARK
Conclusions SPARK features quite useful Proved functional equivalence Proof technique may be useful to other transformations ASIS very useful
References [1] Weiser, M. Program slicing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-10(4): , July [2] Sward, R.E. and Chamillard, A. T. AdaSlicer: A Program Slicer for Ada. Proceedings of the ACM International SIGAda 03 Conference, Dec 2003, San Diego, CA. [3] The Wisconsin Program-Slicing Tool, Version 1.1. Retrieved June 4, 2003, from