AHM /09/05 AHM 2005 Automatic Deployment and Interoperability of Grid Services G.Kecskemeti, Yonatan Zetuny, G.Terstyanszky, T.Kiss, P.Kacsuk, S. Winter Centre for Parallel Computing Cavendish School of Computer Science University of Westminster
AHM /09/05 Presentation Outline 1.Legacy Code Services for the Grid 2.GEMLCA Concept 3.GEMLCA Architecture 4.Current Limitations of GEMLCA 5.GEMLCA Extension Roadmap 6.Automatic Deployment Service in GEMLCA 7.Service Interoperability 8.Conclusion and Further Work 9.Useful resources 10.Summary
AHM /09/05 Legacy Code Services for the Grid Code from the past, maintained because it works Often supports business critical functions Not Grid enabled Port them onto the Grid with minimal user effort What to do with legacy codes when utilising the Grid? Bin them and implement Grid enabled applications Reengineer them
AHM /09/05 The GEMLCA Concept Compute Servers Resource manager deploys: a. LC, b. GT3/4, c. GEMLCA OGSA Container Job Manager (Condor/Fork) MMJFS Grid Host Environment (GT3/GT4) GEMLCA Service Legacy Code Factory Legacy Code Process Legacy Code Job Client: to apply legacy code Grid service Client: to deploy legacy code Grid service Use the integrated P-GRADE/GEMLCA Portal for each case
AHM /09/05 The GEMLCA Architecture P-GRADE Portal Server Desktop 1 Desktop N Web browser 3 rd generation Grids: (OGSA: GT3, WSRF, gLite) Legacy applications Grid Site 1 Grid Site 2
AHM /09/05 Current Limitations of GEMLCA Current limitations of GEMLCA: –No Automatic Deployment Service Static mapping of legacy components onto resources. –No Resource Broker –No Information System –No Interoperability Bridge Service Deployment, management and invocation is limited to a single Grid site (security & policy, middleware, etc)
AHM /09/05 GEMLCA Extension Roadmap (i) Extending GEMLCA with QoS based brokering and load balancing capabilities. What are the main barriers? –Deployment: LC services are deployed and mapped manually to Grid resources at workflow construction time. –Interoperability: LC services are deployed and managed within a single Grid environment (single security/policy domain).
AHM /09/05 The GEMLCA Extension Roadmap (ii) GEMLCA with Brokering, Information System and Automatic Deployment Support Interoperability Bridge
AHM /09/05 Automatic Deployment Service in GEMLCA (i) GEMLCA services deployment limitations Deployment scenarios Deploying new Grid services Migrating existing Grid services The need for an Automatic Deployment Service Automatic selection services Grid systems integration Refining existing services Deployment Service Architecture Deployment steps
AHM /09/05 Automatic Deployment Service in GEMLCA (ii) Figure 3Automatic Deployment Service Architecture
AHM /09/05 Service Interoperability (i) Policy & Security challenges for Grid services interoperability. Multiple security implementations Dynamic creation of services Dynamic trust domain establishment Policy & Security interoperability scenarios. Deployment and migration of Grid services Invocation of Grid services Interoperability Bridge Service architecture Negotiator Layer Analyzer Layer Classifier Layer Dispatcher Layer Bridge Layer
AHM /09/05 Service Interoperability (ii) Figure 4 ADS and the x-Service Interoperability Layer
AHM /09/05 Conclusion and Further Work The industrial need for converting LC applications into Grid services with a minimal user effort. GEMLCA – The answer for deploying legacy applications on the Grid. Making GEMLCA a more comprehensive solution for Grid users by developing/extending the following features: Information system support Brokering Load balancing Automatic deployment and migration of services in a single/multi domain environments. Implementing of these architectures and integration with GEMLCA is currently in progress.
AHM /09/05 Useful Resources GEMLCA URL: – P-GRADE portal URL: – P-GRADE NGS portal URL: – P-GRADE NGS GEMLCA portal –
AHM /09/ Summary – Automatic Deployment and Interoperability of Grid Services - Summary – Automatic Deployment and Interoperability of Grid Services Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Thank you! Contact us: The GEMLCA Team URL: