1 2 Energy education Energy education: learning to be sustainable 2.


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Presentation transcript:

1 2 Energy education Energy education: learning to be sustainable 2

2 2 Energy education What is the EU doing? Action plan on energy efficiency (October 2006) stresses education Intelligent Energy Europe II ( ) supports education projects ManagEnergy education actions: KidsCorner website (23 languages) – interactive games and resources; visual and written materials for teachers Trains professionals in energy education Publicises local energy agencies Conferences and events streaming

3 2 Energy education What is the EU doing? Funds education programmes : Socrates, Erasmus Mundus and Leonardo da Vinci Comenius programme – international school projects

4 2 Energy education Tomorrows energy users Energy security and climate change in national education plans Teaching in schools to create environmental awareness Promoting responsible energy use – at school and home Big potential for energy saving if future generations adequately educated Children influence parents Involvement of local energy experts in class efforts Expertise in school projects: vital role of energy agencies

5 2 Energy education Good practice: Child power The Force for Energy by Children (FEE-project ), Belgium 5,000 pupils, 100 schools, 7 European countries Pupils created awareness-raising projects in schools and communities Pupils analysed energy use in communities and proposed solutions Local energy agencies provided educational materials Pupils carried out energy audits of homes and schools Exhibition in each school Common project framework: newsletter and website /

6 2 Energy education School and teachers Teachers need training in energy efficiency and correct methodologies and tools Development of programmes and materials with local experts Involvement of teachers when schools change energy- management strategies Schools efforts to save energy can have educational use – involve the students in real-life examples Exchange of ideas and experiences between schools, training centres and countries E.g. competition to reward the most energy-efficient school in given area

7 2 Energy education Good practice: incentives to save Modena, Italy Schools gain share of savings from cuts in electricity and gas use Contract out energy-management strategies Incentives ranging from money for new equipment to technical support Investments in efficient boilers, solar heating, photovoltaic etc Energy from renewable sources equivalent to 44,000 kWh of electricity and 60,000 m3 of methane annually – 1.4% of local administrations total energy consumption Seven schools signed agreements and in first year of the project (2001) participating schools received between 200 and 10,000 Yearly savings around 2,200 tonnes of CO2 emissions

8 2 Energy education Lifelong learning and energy training Learning not just at school – all stages of life Energy often taken for granted – people stick to habits Important to engage energy managers in businesses and authorities Vocational training should include energy efficiency training Local energy agencies can develop training toolkits and e- learning modules for businesses Train technicians working with energy-consuming products – need awareness of efficient technologies Courses for public to promote sustainable energy consumption Education, training centres and energy agencies should work together

9 2 Energy education What is ManagEnergy? Initiative by European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport Supports local and regional actions on energy efficiency and renewable energies Training workshops/online events Information on case studies, good practices, legislation and programmes Network of local and regional energy agencies (LEAs)

10 2 Energy education More information?