Wireless Application Protocol
. The Two Paradigms W – World W – Wide W -- Web W – World W – Wide W – Wireless W -- Web
Network Systems and Technologies (NeST), Trivandrum. Wireless Trend in next 3 years In M I LL I O N S s
Get financial information Order and buy tickets Pay your bills Read the news Read and send s Receive your voic Get a local guide to restaurants Make stock queries
WAP Forum Dates 26 June - 97WAP effort launched by founders 30 April - 98WAP 1.0 public available 30 June – 99WAP 1.1 public available Dec-99 WAP 1.2 launched
WAP Key Features Markup Language Wireless Telephony Applications Framework Lightweight Protocol Stack Script Language Designed to create services for small handheld terminals Multiple OS like Palm OS, EPOC, Flex OS, Java OS, OS/9, PocketPC ec. Access to telephony related functionality Designed to minimize required bandwidth and impact of latency
Wireless Network Application Servers (3rd party) WAP Gateway/ Proxy Operator’s domain Application Server, Telephony Services Internet WAP Architecture
Ericsson MC218, R320, R380 Nokia 7110 Motorola i500plus, i1000plus Alcatel One Touch POCKET Samsung SGH-800 Siemens etc. Alcatel Siemens Samsung Nokia Motorola Ericsson Panasonic Trium WAP - Terminals
Wireless Trends GSM 3 G GPRS 9.6 Kbps 2 Mbps 115 Kbps
WAP Gateway Connects the Internet domain to the Wireless domain. Cache service Script compilation Protocol conversion Security provided with WTLS, which supports authentication and encryption Compressed Binary Transmission
WAP - Services, Business areas Information services WAP Portals E-commerce –Banking and finance –Shopping –Gambling –Ticketing
Network Systems and Technologies (NeST), Trivandrum. Advantages Vs Disadvantages Simplicity of Use Mobility Personalized Easy to Carry Low Band Width Battery life Limited Computation Power Limited on board storage Limited Graphics Limited Keyboard and Display screen Size
Network Systems and Technologies (NeST), Trivandrum. So Far … Cell phones will be the dominant device for wireless applications, although they will inherit PDA-like functionality By combining WAP, IVR, location and proximity detection, the stage is set for a new generation of wireless applications that can truly change the way we perceive wireless
Network Systems and Technologies (NeST), Trivandrum. Exciting Possibilities Embedded Java will do away with performance and memory issues “WAPLETS” will allow you to dynamically download Java byte code and execute them on the cell phone Voice will be a predominant option for data entry, but key pads will still be used for secure data
Future … Leverage IVR (Interactive Voice response) technologies to reduce data entry woes. Location and proximity detection technologies…Global Positioning system Convergence of WAP and Bluetooth Evolution of Wireless networks towards 3 and 4G.
Conclusion … SMS and WAP continue to be the key technologies for wireless application development When you design for wireless, don’t take a “porting” approach towards your application. Instead, focus on how you can leverage the strength of the medium to design your next killer app.
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