1 6 Sustainable communities 7
2 6 Issues such as climate change are global, but individuals experience impacts at local level Solutions will come from more sustainable communities Areas such as wetlands, islands or mountains are the most affected by environmental changes, so they have greatest incentive for sustainability Cleaner energy creates opportunities for remote regions. Wind, solar power and biomass create job opportunities in rural areas Urban areas suffer directly from environmental problems, such as traffic jams, noise and air pollution, so incentive for greening. Public transport plays key role
3 6 Sustainable communities What is the EU doing? Climate change and energy package (2007) sets targets to cut CO 2 emissions. Action plan released early 2008 Action plan for energy efficiency (2006), including a Covenant of Mayors for pioneering cities Green Paper on urban mobility (2007) Intelligent Energy Europe II ( ) supports sustainable community projects Energy efficiency is a priority of the EUs Structural Funds for 2007 to JESSICA, an initiative of the European Commission and the European Investment bank (EIB), helps local authorities with funding CIVITAS and ELTIS projects support urban and regional transport CONCERTO helps local communities (buildings)
4 6 Sustainable communities Local efficiency Energy sustainability affects local development, urban planning, local transport and education Energy diagnosis identifies areas with biggest potential for savings – infrastructure, local companies or households Renewable energies can create jobs and diversify local economies, overcoming isolation and securing supplies in remote areas In urban areas, efficient street lighting and green public procurement can bring cost and energy savings Environmental, social and economic sustainability can be complementary
5 6 Sustainable communities Good practice 1: Green Light Graz, Austria Street lighting modernisation started 2005 Investment in new technology offset against future savings 15-year financing arrangement with no upfront funds needed from local authority The first year: 718 lamps in savings, with city receiving once investment costs were subtracted Greater savings in future as more of citys lights converted
6 6 Sustainable communities The Covenant of Mayors Network of mayors from European cities and towns, together with the European Commission. They will exchange experience and know-how on sustainability measures Over 100 cities and towns willing to involve themselves Mayors must vow to go beyond EU target to cut C0 2 emissions by 20% by 2020 Each town to produce a Sustainable Energy Action Plan with specific initiatives Commission to publicise towns and cities efforts
7 6 Sustainable communities Public involvement Public authorities can drive greater sustainability in communities – awareness-raising and green public procurement They can set an example and gain from practical energy savings in sustainable public buildings or energy-efficient vehicles Activities involving public, businesses, schools and NGOs Focused communication campaigns on specific areas, such as climate change or urban mobility, raising awareness of economic and environmental impacts Partnerships, at the local and European levels, ensure effective implementation, i.e. local councils, agencies, chambers of commerce, energy professionals and technology suppliers
8 6 Sustainable communities Good practice 2: Cornwall sustainable energy partnership, UK County of Cornwall (SW England) the first sub-region to develop a sustainable energy and action plan in 2004 Specific actions to increase energy efficiency and renewable energies Helps deal with social problems – poverty; economic issues – electricity distribution; and environment – climate change Target for renewable energy to provide 11-15% of regions electricity by 2010 (6% in 2004) pdf
9 6 Sustainable communities What is ManagEnergy? Initiative by European Commissions Directorate-General for Energy and Transport Supports local and regional actions on energy efficiency and renewable energies Training workshops/online events Information on case studies, good practices, legislation and programmes Network of local and regional energy agencies (LEAs)