Slide 1 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Scientific Computing in Computer Science and Software Engineering Kai H. Chang Professor.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide 1 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Scientific Computing in Computer Science and Software Engineering Kai H. Chang Professor and Chair December 5, 2014

Slide 2 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Outline High Performance Computing  Architecture and I/O Optimization – Dr. Weikuan Yu  Computation Software – Dr. Tony Skjellum  Scientific Software Development Tools - Dr. Jeff Overbey

Slide 3 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering HPC Capabilities – Dr. Weikuan Yu Software: Unstructured Data Accelerator (UDA)  Accelerator for Big Data Analytics  Transferred to Mellanox In-house supercomputer: Eagles  108 nodes; InfiniBand, 10GigE and SSD  GPGPU (Fermi and Kepler)  Donations from Mellanox, Solarflare, and NVIDIA On-campus network: TigerSphere Software and algorithm development  2 postdoctoral researchers  11 graduate students  3 undergraduate students  Alumni in prestigious labs (IBM, ORNL, Microsoft).

Slide 4 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering EPIO: An Elastic Parallel I/O Framework for Computational Climate Modeling Objectives  Explore and leverage computing technologies such as parallel I/O and cloud computing for NASA’s BigData.  Design new I/O approaches to managing gigantic data from NASA climate modeling codes.  Introduce elastic and non-intrusive data management plug-in ( EPIO ) into the ESMF I/O framework.  Integrate EPIO into representative NASA codes (GOES-5, Model-E & GCE) for exploitation of benefits Initial Result on the Sith Cluster (1024 nodes) at ORNL Vertical Level 1 Vertical Level 10 Approach  Evaluate and optimize data communication and I/O in NASA climate codes (GOES-5 and Model-E)  Aggregate and parallelize data for elasticity & efficiency GEOS-5 History GrDAS NetCDF4/ HDF5 EPIO Global Climate Model AGCM OGCM Atmosphere Analysis New I/O component Impact  Provide new processing and analytics approaches for climate data management.  Enable streamlined data movement through workflows of climate simulation, analytics and visualization systems.  Enable portable and efficient NASA climate codes on petascale National Leadership Computing Facilities, and prepare them for future exascale.

Slide 5 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Areas for Potential R&D Collaboration - Dr. Tony Skjellum  Over 30 years of experience formulating and parallelizing programs  Long-term R&D in scalable parallel mathematical libraries  Strong experience with simulation codes (e.g., based on PETSc, integration engines, and homegrown)  Leading R&D in MPI standardization, implementation, and utilization  Additional R&D and research skills in CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, SSE/AVX, and cluster computing  Strengths in algorithmic optimization and systems programming  On-going research in fault tolerant algorithms and parallel programming  Mixed-language programming expertise (C, C++, Fortran)  Experience with cache-friendly and data distribution independent algorithms

Slide 6 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Software Development Tools for Scientific Computing - Dr. Jeff Overbey Improving the Eclipse integrated development environment to support scientific software development –Project lead: Photran (Fortran Development Tools for Eclipse) –Committer: PTP (Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform) –June release: 184,846 downloads –Commercially: IBM Parallel Environment Developer Edition –Collaboration with IBM, UNLP, NCSA, LSU, Oregon Refactorings for Fortran legacy code migration Refactorings for GPU computing

Slide 7 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Other Related Expertise  Modeling Simulation - Dr. Levent Yilmaz  Operating Systems – Dr. Xiao Qin  Databases – Dr. Jeff Ku

Slide 8 Auburn University Computer Science and Software Engineering Questions?