1 Augean plc Hazardous waste management services
2 Introduction Cover the whole of mainland England, Scotland and Wales Flexibility to cater for any customer no matter how small or large Excellent environmental record and good links with the Environment Agency
3 Introduction Schools Colleges Universities Chemical manufacturers Pharmaceutical manufacturers Local government Research bodies Customer base
4 Management solutions Many treatment options available Solvent recovery Chemical treatment Cement stabilisation Landfill Indirect thermal desorption Land remediation Battery recycling Precious metal recovery Incineration WEEE recycling
5 Management solutions - overview Free site visit to audit waste streams Storage containers Raising the necessary documentation Repackaging and labelling waste Collection and transportation Certificate confirming safe disposal Chemical relocation service Offer a full service waste management solution
6 Disposal of lab waste Drums IBCs WEEEBatteries Aerosols Typical waste streams include:
7 Disposal of lab waste Gas cylinders Clinical PesticidesFluorescent tubes Typical waste streams include:
8 Disposal of lab waste Classify your waste Register premises Produce inventory Segregate, package and label Team of qualified industrial chemists can help remove redundant chemicals
9 Disposal of lab waste Produce legal paperwork Collect and transport your waste Certification confirming safe disposal Ensure your documentation is correct
10 Disposal of lab waste Reuse Recover/recycle Treat Incinerate Landfill Waste hierarchy – applying the most appropriate treatment to each waste
11 Chemical relocation Site survey Provision of crates Labelling and packing Transport Unpacking We offer a laboratory chemical relocation service whereby we transport materials to your new location
12 Recycling and recovery WEEE Batteries Paint tins Lamps and fluorescent tubes Precious metals Solvents We are able to provide a diverse range of recycling options for all types of hazardous waste:
13 Advice Register premises Provide documentation Packaging Labelling DGSA support to ensure you comply with the relevant legislation We can advise you on your disposal at every step of the way
14 Duty of care All routes are audited by ourselves to ensure we comply with environmental law We are audited on a regular basis By the Environment Agency and major clients Traceability of your waste is an important issue You have a responsibility for your waste
15 Duty of care We can provide a detailed description of the fate of your waste We want our operation to be completely transparent to our clients You are welcome to audit our facilities How Augean can help you We will supply all necessary documentation
16 Compliance The Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 34 (Duty of Care) Section 62 (Consignment notes) The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005 No. 894) as amended Major legislative areas The Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991 (SI 1991 No 1624) The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (SI 2009 No 1348) The Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994 (SI 1994 No 1056) as amended
17 Qualifications DGSAs supervise transport across the group Site staff qualified under WAMITAB for technical competence Drivers ADR trained Qualified industrial chemists Getting the right people
18 Accreditation We are accredited by the British Standards Institution (BSI) through our Integrated Management System (IMS) for the following standards: ISO 9001 –Quality Management ISO Environmental Management OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Management System PAS 99 - (Publicly Available Specification) Integrated Management System
19 Contact 4 Rudgate Court Walton Near Wetherby West Yorkshire LS23 7BF Tel: Fax: Augean plc