GreenInsight in practice Brian Pinnell (Strategic Procurement Leader) Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust 7 th October 2010
BNHFT strives to be a leaner operating environment. Used SpendInsight Results revealed that BNHFT is a lean operation, but room for additional savings
BNHFT are required to account for carbon footprint & environmental impact NHS Sustainable Development policy BNHFT are early adopters GreenInsight analysis
Surprising results. Expected major carbon culprits to be electricity, logistics, transport
Expected mains electricity 30% Surprise in Medical & Precision Instruments – 27% Pharmaceuticals – 8% Can see very granular perspective, down to line item level Percentage of CO 2
For example, the category Medical & Surgical Consumables totals 1411t (PO) & 1339t (AP) CO 2
We can see the category item “Syringes” accounts for 7,9122kg CO 2
Comprehensive report We can even see Carbons split into different forms
Involvement in Green Marketplace means we can measure carbon footprint At time of purchase And choose to offset as necessary
Basingstoke & North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust Green Marketplace = Lean and Green BNHFT