Christopher Houston “Kit” Carson: Mountain Man & Guide for John C. Fremont Region Explored DatePlaces Named 1 st mission to South Pass, Colorado 2 nd mission, from South Pass to California: Sierra Nevada Mountains, back through Mohave 1840’s Carson City, Nevada Carson River Carson Pass Carson Trail
John C. Fremont Region ExploredDatePlaces Named 1 st Mission: To South Pass 2 nd Mission: South Pass to California through Sierra Nevadas 3 rd Mission: Straight to California 1840’s Fremont, California Fremont Street (Las Vegas) Fremont Cannon (given annually to winner of UNR/UNLV football game Fremont’s Contributions to our area: Realized water in Nevada drained inward, named Great Basin Named Pyramid Lake due to large rock formation Named Truckee River after a Chief who helped leaded him to California Named Carson River after his guide, Kit Carson Named Las Vegas, which means “the meadows” in Spanish
James “Jim” Beckwourth: African-American mountain man and scout Not so Fun Fact: Beckwourth died by eating poisoned food from the Crow Indians, who had named Beckwourth a chief. They allegedly killed him so his spirit would always be with them. Region Explored DatePlaces Named Northern portion of Sierra Nevada Mountains, along present day highway ’s- 1830’s Beckwourth Pass, Beckwourth California, Beckwourth Trail
Peter Skene Ogden: Canadian Fur Trapper Region Explored DatePlaces Named Humboldt River to Humboldt Sink Ogden, Utah Fun Fact: While Trapping along the Humboldt River, Odgen and his men trapped up to 60 beaver PER DAY!!!
Jedediah Smith: famous fur trapper Fun Fact: After a Grizzly Bear ripped part of Jedediah’s scalp and ear, he had it sewed back on by one of his men!!! Fact #2: Jedediah Smith died at the age of 32 after being attacked by Indians!! Region Explored DatePlaces Named Southern Nevada (Mohave Desert, Central Nevada 1827Jedediah Smith State Park, Jedediah Smith Trail
COMSTOCK LODE Large SILVER strike discovered on Gold Hill near what became Virginia City in Led to the Rush to Washo that brought thousands to Virginia City and made it the 2 nd largest city west of the Mississippi. I Found the Silver And they named it after me! Henry Comstock Comstock took credit for finding whaat two men (McLaughlin and O’Riley) actually found
Sarah Winnemucca* A Paiute Indian, who fought for Native American rights throughout her life. She also opened numerous schools for Native Americans in Nevada. Statue of Sarah Winnemucca in Capitol Building in Wash. DC Did You Know: Sarah gave over 400 speeches around the country about Native Rights
Mormon Station* First permanent white settlement in Nevada, Mormon Station was a stop for settlers traveling on the California Trail and is located in present day Genoa at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains I can make some $$ selling goods to emigrants!! John Reese took 10 wagons of goods to sell from Salt Lake
Square-Set System (or square-set timbering) Square-set timbering helped to prevent mine cave-ins. It framed wood in rectangular cubes to which more cubes could be added above and to the sides. Allowed Comstock miners to dig deeper than ever before! Philipp Deidesheimer invented The Square Set System Did you Know: Lake Tahoe’s Trees built the Square Sets Used NO NAILS!!
Silver Kings Four businessmen and miners who came to dominate Virginia City and the Comstock Lode after striking the “Big Bonanza,” a huge vein of silver and gold. In all, the four shared about $75 million. -Included John William Mackay, James Graham Fair, James Clair Flood and William Shoney O’Brien John Mackay gave $$ to UNR and his statue is on the Quad Virginia City..Then & Now
Boom & Bust Cycle Term used to describe the cycle of mining towns: a quick boom when gold or silver is found (BOOMTOWNS) leading to a large population, followed by an economic downturn when the Gold & Silver run out, and the population collapses (Ghost Towns) Rhyolite, Nevada 1998 Rhyolite, Nevada 1908 Virginia City Example Population in 1867 = 30,00 Population Today = 1,000
James Warren Nye First territorial Governor of Nevada, later became a Senator for Nevada Nye County is named after him Nye County I appointed him!
William Morris Stewart Nevada’s first Senator, famous for having written the final draft of the 15 th amendment to the Constitution, which said that right to vote could not be denied on account of race