The Future of VC/PE Investment in Health Care in India Matt Eliot IFC Health & Education, South Asia CII 2 nd Evolving Healthcare Investment Landscape Conference Kolkata 21 June 2014
Access * Quality * Affordability Indian Health Sector Attractive to Investors Current Snapshot Fragmented market, consolidation not happening High competition in major metros; under-served geographies present opportunity, but with big challenges Sector Trends Many in market, but few big deals closing Smaller deals are getting done; most activity crores IPOs not happening Secondary opportunities as early round investors try to find exit Limited Deal Flow Over Past 24 Months High growth, with plenty of room for more Huge untapped potential Rise of corporate care providers Counter-cyclical - safe harbor Timing mismatch
Access * Quality * Affordability Deal Flow CY up to USD 12 mm equivalent - 3 -
- 4 - Health Needs to be High on Government’s Agenda Source: World Bank Data Bank Source: WHO, via World Bank Data Bank
Access * Quality * Affordability GOVERNMENT HEALTH SYSTEMS The Questions That Will Help Determine What Comes Next More health sector-specific funds Does consolidation come? Can single specialty chains achieve scale at good margins? eye, dental, birthing/M&C, oncology, dialysis Do nascent models gain traction? primary care clinics, day surgery, medtech Can shortages in health workforce be addressed? HEALTH SECTOR DYNAMICS Stronger Economy, Opening of Infra Projects? Does SEBI easing jumpstart the overall IPO market? Will RBI ease the reins on ECB restrictions, boosting the debt market? Does private health insurance gain ground? MACRO Shift from Provider to Payer? Better environment for PPPs? GSHIS: Broader? Deeper? Commercially viable rates?